0.15 2024-06-13T23:57:22+02:00
- Add check for 'dt_from' and 'dt_to' parameters.
- Fix dependencies.
- Improve doc.
- Move functional test to begin.
0.14 2024-03-16T14:13:15+01:00
- Add missing random_day_year() method.
- Add tests to coverage of Random::Day::get().
- Fix error message in doc.
- Improve constructor doc.
- Regen README file.
- Update Module::Install to 1.21 version.
- Update copyright years.
0.13 2023-01-26T19:13:52+01:00
- Add check for year in interval of 'dt_from' and 'dt_to' in
- Add check for year/month in interval of 'dt_from' and 'dt_to' in
- Add check for year/month/day in interval of 'dt_from' and 'dt_to' in
- Add Random::Day::InTheFuture object.
- Add Random::Day::InThePast object.
- Fix test dependencies.
- Remove obsolete code from t/Random-Day/05-random.t .
0.12 2023-01-26T11:46:23+01:00
- Rename example to better name.
- Update copyright years.
0.11 2022-07-09T17:13:47+02:00
- Add blank lines to code after arguments processing and before return.
- Add tests for random_month_year() method.
- Fix random_month_year() method. There were issue with creating before
date. e.g. for February 2022.
- Update copyright years.
0.10 2021-01-27T19:21:56+01:00
- Fix bugtracker.
- Update copyright years.
0.09 2020-01-14T00:28:19+01:00
- Add test for random_year() method.
- Change =item to =head2 in METHODS section in doc.
- Update Module::Install to 1.19 version.
- Update copyright years.
- Update my github user name.
0.08 2018-10-11T16:53:50+02:00
- Code optimalization - to simple quotes.
- Remove verbatim from POD doc.
- Update copyright years.
0.07 2018-02-07T07:48:16+01:00
- Fix Makefile.PL for new version of Perl and no default »use lib '.'«.
0.06 2017-12-26T11:15:17+01:00
- Fix Makefile.PL for new version of Perl and no default »use lib '.'«.
- Fix author dependencies.
- Fix minimal Perl version in Makefile.PL.
- Remove trivial comments.
- Update author name.
- Update copyright years.
- Update Module::Install::ReadmeFromPod to 0.26.
- Update Module::Install to 1.18 version.
0.05 2015-09-22T16:16:33+02:00
- Improve SEE ALSO section in doc.
- Move author tests to xt/ directory.
- Update Module::Install to 1.16 version.
- Update copyright years.
0.04 2014-11-26T00:02:55+01:00
- Add README file.
- Add error checks for random_day_month_year() method.
- Add error checks for random_day_month() method.
- Add error checks for random_day() method.
- Add error checks for random_month() method.
- Add error checks for random_month_year() method.
- Add some tests.
- Fix LICENSE file.
- Update LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT section in doc to my standard.
- Update Module::Install to 1.14 version.
0.03 2013-11-07
- Add dependency for perl (based on Error::Pure).
0.02 2013-09-20
- Fix NAME in doc.
- Rewrite Changes file to CPAN::Changes::SPEC format.
0.01 2013-09-19
- First version.