0.11 2024-11-26T11:06:18+01:00
 - Rename example files to better name.
 - Update Module::Install to 1.21 version.
 - Update copyright years.

0.10 2021-01-26T21:46:25+01:00
 - Fix bugtracker.
 - Rewrite doc to use =head2 in SUBROUTINES section.
 - Update copyright years.

0.09 2020-03-23T17:25:17+01:00
 - Improve LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT section in doc.
 - Improve SYNOPSIS section in doc.
 - Update .travis.yml to reality.
 - Update author github username.

0.08 2020-01-18T15:30:37+01:00
 - Add test for binary file.
 - Add another usage to benchamrk.
 - Fix Makefile.PL which fails with no '.' in @INC.
 - Improve SEE ALSO section in doc.
 - Move author tests to xt/ directory.
 - Update LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT section in doc.
 - Update author name.
 - Update copyright years.
 - Update Module::Install to 1.19 version.
 - Update copyright years.

0.07 2014-06-04T08:14:12+02:00
 - Add 'readme_from' directive to Makefile.PL.
 - Add test dependency to Digest::SHA, which is not in perl 5.8.9 base.
 - Fix LICENSE file.
 - Update Module::Install to 1.08 version.

0.06 2013-11-07
 - Add dependency for perl (based on Error::Pure).

0.05 2013-09-21
 - Add Test::NoWarnings to tests.
 - Add LICENSE file.
 - Add SIGNATURE file.
 - Rename CHANGES to Changes.
 - Rewrite Changes file to CPAN::Changes::SPEC format.

0.04 2012-11-23
 - Add missing messages to tests.
 - Improve error message.
 - Remove obsolete UNIVERSAL::isa().

0.03 2012-08-23
 - Fix doc example.
 - Fix tests.
 - Implement output to handler, IO::Handler.
 - Add error for unsupported objects to barf.

0.02 2012-08-05
 - Change exporting of barf() from explicit to implicit exporting.
 - Fix doc example. Add unlink of temporary file.

0.01 2012-08-05
 - First version.