Revision history for Perl extension App-ChangeShebang

0.10  2023-05-07 00:55:44 JST

    - Require perl v5.16

0.07  2018-02-17 07:57:12 JST

    - Migrate to milla

0.06 2015-05-31T14:43:25Z

    - remove more carefully original shebang and "not running under some shell" stuff

0.05 2015-05-10T06:55:41Z

    - 0.04 is broken; miss EXE_FILES attribute in Makefile.PL, fix that.

0.04 2015-05-10T06:24:57Z

    - remove unnecessary "--" for exec perl
    - remove original shebang as well as "not running under some shell" stuff

0.03 2014-07-06T05:34:18Z

    - to make sure rename() properly works, make a tempfile in the same directory

0.02 2014-07-05T16:44:54Z

    - fix documentation

0.01 2014-07-05T16:01:03Z

    - original version