Revision history for Perl extension LJ::Simple.

0.11  Wednesday April 14 12:19:02 BST 2004
	- Added the after people on the CPAN mailing list complained;
		however the script has been altered so that out of the box it
		hardly touches the functionality of LJ::Simple thanks to the
		removal of the test user on If people
		wish they can place another username and password in the $user
		and $pass variables in to run all of the
		Bear in mind that I'm not going to be held responsible for
		what happens to the journal that is pointed at though.
	- Added the DefaultPicURL() routine to return the URL to the default
		icon for the user who logged in. Functionality added at
		request of Gavin Mogan.

0.10  Saturday March 20 21:28:29 GMT 2004
	- Added the examples directory in the distribution
	- Fixed a bug in how the SendRequest() routine parsed the
		results from the LiveJournal server.
	- Removed the script from the distribution as LiveJournal
		have removed the test user it depended on
	- Updated the ljpost example with the ability to post restricted posts
	- Corrected the example code for GetFriendGroups() shown on the manual page

0.09  Friday January  7 11:09:49 GMT 2004
	- UTF support is now automatically detected
	- Added support for the getchallenge method to support the new
	  challenge/response authentication system

0.08  Thursday December 18 11:11:17 GMT 2003
	- Added a check for zero length responses from the LJ servers
	- Fix for potential bug relating to unusual responses from LJ
	  web servers.
	- Added an example script which will make all of the entries within
	  a journal at least friends-only
	- Fixes to documentation
	- Added the SetProtectPublic() method as requested by Richard Watts.

0.07  Friday September 12 09:49:40 BST 2003
	- Minor changes to documentation and example code
	- Corrected the package building Makefile target
	- Module now works on perl version 5.005_03
	- Minor documentation change
	- Increased socket read timeout to 5 minutes
	- Switched to using version 1 of the LJ protocol
	- An example directory has been added
	- Added EditEntry() routine, with thanks to Ben Harris for the
	  initial code.

0.06  Thursday October  3 14:30 2002
	- Added GetURL() routine
	- Added GetItemId() routine
	- Added GetEntries() routine
	- Added GetDate() routine
	- Added GetSubject() routine
	- Added GetEntry() routine
	- Added GetProtect() routine
	- Added Getprop_*() routines
	- Fixed some POD errors

0.05  Friday September 20 17:16 2002
	- Added GetFriendGroups() routine
	- Added GetDayCounts() routine
	- Added CheckFriends() routine
	- Added GetFriends() routine
	- Added various options to the login/new method. The most useful of
		these is the "fast" option which massively reduces the amount
		of time taken to login... by not really logging in at all. See
		the docs for more details.
	- The GetFriendOf() routine now returns a list sorted by the usernames
		of the LiveJournals in the list

0.04  Sunday September  1 22:11 2002
	- Added MemberOf() routine
	- Added the SyncItems() routine
	- Added the GetFriendOf() routine
	- Fixed how request to LJ is encoded; \n was being matched by \s
	- Fixed SetMood() routine
	- Fixed Setprop_backdate() routine

0.03  Monday Aug 19 16:44 2002
	- Ability to delete entry added
	- First public release

0.02  Tues Jul 20 15:58:00 2002
	- Major functionality added

0.01  Mon Jul 22 17:19:26 2002
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-X -n LJ::Simple