Revision history for Text::Sprintf::Named

0.0405  2020-10-18
    - Avoid stale POD
        - Inspired by Lady_Aleena.

0.0404  2020-10-06
        * Dist-Zilla / tidyall / etc. cleanups and corrections.
            * Fairly minor and not related to the production-code.

0.0403  2018-05-20
        * Convert to Dist-Zilla .

0.0402  2014-02-01
        * Add t/cpan-changes.t and t/style-trailing-space.t .
        * Remove Makefile.PL.
        * Minimum version of perl is 5.8.x (CPANTS).
        * Add a separate LICENSE file (CPANTS).

0.0401  2012-05-24
        * Fix the POD to contain an "=encoding utf8" directive (for correctness
        and to appease Pod::Simple 3.21.
            - see

0.0400  2012-05-06
        * Add a named_sprintf() export for convenient one-off non-OOP
            - Tested in t/04-procedural-iface.t
        * Add more implicit requirements for Build.PL.
        * Convert the distribution to Test::Run::Builder (which allows for
        "./Build runtest" and "./Build distruntest").
        * Add keywords and resources to META.json/META.yml.
        * Add the "SIMILAR MODULES" section to the documentation.

0.0301  2009-09-10
        * Bumped the required version number of Test::Warn to 0.21.
            - Thanks to Eric Wilhelm!

0.0300  2009-02-23
        * Added warnings when used arguments are not specified in the %args.
            - See the t/03-incomplete.t test file.
            - Thanks to kent\n!

0.0203  2009-01-10
        * Corrected two more code typos in the synopsis.
            - Thanks to kent\n!

0.0202  2009-01-10
        * Corrected the synopsis to say ->format({args => \%args})
        instead of ->format(\%args) which was incorrect.
            - Thanks to kent\n!

0.0201  2008-08-21
        * Changed the Build.PL license from 'bsd' to 'mit'.
        * Added create_makefile_pl => 'passthrough' to Build.PL to
        generate a Makefile.PL in the distribution.
            - this is to settle systems that don't have Moudle-Build
        * Revised the licensing information in the POD.

0.02    2007-04-20
        Added the customisation of the named parameter, to determine
        how to calculate it. (see calc_param()).

0.01    2006-11-22
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.