Revision history for Perl extension WebService::GData.

0.04_01  2011/01/23 22:44
    - NEW
      - YouTube PlaylistLink package
        - you can save create or edit an existing playlist meta data.
          #warning: not tested very thoroughly... need to write a test suite.
        - added some doc about this package
      - YouTube package
        - added  a playlists method, helper to instantiate a PlaylistLink class.
      - GData/YouTube
        - doc updated 
      - need to clean up the tests and start mocking some of the live tests I use on my side...
      - lazy up thing more and get rid of old variables that take up memory for nothing...
      - add a bit of doc for YouTube package
    - YouTube service may not work properly right now!
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.03_09  2011/01/17 12:28

    - BUG FIX
      - YouTube Video package
        - keywords setting was not working
      - Collection 
        - was warning when matching against an empty list
      - AtomEntity
        - force Collection context even for an empty instance to get a coherent result for link, category nodes
    - NEW
      - YouTube Comment package
        - added comment_id,video_id,in_reply_to and a save method (you can now add comments from perl)
          #warning: not tested very thoroughly... need to write a test suite.
        - added some doc about this package
      - YouTube package
        - added  a comment method, helper to instantiate a Comment class.
      - Base
        - doc updated 
      - a test added for Video
      - need to clean up the tests and start mocking some of the live tests I use on my side...
      - lazy up thing more and get rid of old variables that take up memory for nothing...
      - add a bit of doc for YouTube package
    - YouTube service may not work properly right now!
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.03_08  2011/01/03 23:07

    - BUG FIX
        Even if am focusing on the core, I get many emails regarding the YouTube service.
        I therefore mainly focused on fixing the bug reports I got so far.
      - YouTube Video package
        - aspect_ratio was not pointing to the right value
        - is_xxx_allowed subs did not use the right order. rewritten to be a base name based setting.
          (Thanks Brian for the numerous reports)
      - YouTube package
        - change a typo in the code for get_comments_for_video_id()
      - BaseCollection is erased for now as it was not working as I expected and had a circular reference anyway.
    - NEW
      - YouTube Video package
         - change the is_xxx_allowed methods behavior. should update your code if necessary!
           look at the documentation for further explanation
      - YouTube Comment package
        - added a content method
      - YouTube package
        - documented the get_comments_for_video_id  
      - an entity has been changed to behave in a lazy manner and will expand little by little
        -> need to ensure that data required for serialization is called before hand!
      - more tests
      - need to clean up the tests and start mocking some of the live tests I use on my side...
      - lazy up thing more and get rid of old variables that take up memory for nothing...
      - add a bit of doc for YouTube package
    - YouTube service may not work properly right now!
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.03_07  2010/12/19 16:23
    small update for bug fix.
	- YouTube Video access_control could not be edited (only newly created)
	- Collection class was loosing its binding to the array
    - YouTube service may not work right now!
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.03_06  2010/12/17 23:43
    small update for bug fix.
	- The XML serializer now encode html entities (querying YouTube then updating the queried result failed)
	  -> quick fix for now.
	- The XML serializer now adds the namespace on the root node for any attributes containing an extra namespace
	  even if the attribute itself is empty (until now it was discarded but could lead to error by not including the gd namespace)
    - YouTube service may not work right now!
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.03_05  2010/12/05 16:51
    - the Collection serialize method has been removed 
      and the class now inherits from BaseCollection which implements Iterator, tie array.
      The mechanism will check for only allowed class and create them in a lazy fashion (next release)
    - doc update 
    - some packages version number updated as it should have been done in 0.03_04.
    - FIX:YouTube service Video package failed to set some parameters (videoid,location)
    - tests added for the YouTube service Video package.
    - YouTube service may not work right now!
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.03_04  2010/11/03 16:51
    This update contains many changes that would be hard to list...
    The next update should deal with lazy loading the classes that are for now loaded in bunch...
    and separate the storage layers/serialization formats available
    Below is a short overview for this version:
    - the Node serialize method has been moved to its own package
    - the Base package does not handle any namespace related functions (get/add/clean/_namespaces)
    - added new constants for the prefix and the uri of the namespaces in WebService::GData::Constants
    - the Node serialize method now discovers all the namespaces and apply them to the root element
    - Added Atom,OpenSearch,GD namespaces in Node::*
	- switch to Module::Install
    - YouTube service may not work right now!
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.03_03  2010/11/01 11:19

	- I messed up with subversion and upload the wrong package it seems. should be ok.
    - YouTube service may not work entirely right now!
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.03_02  2010/10/30 14:08

    - Created a Collection class and related tests
    - WebService::GData::Node can understand camelCase and hyphen based functions
    - Added YouTube browser upload mechanism documentation
    - rewrite of some parts of the WebService::GData::YouTube::Feed::Video
    - renamed WebService::GData::YouTube::Node:: to WebService::GData::YouTube::YT:: to follow the core convention
    - added a helper video method in WebService::GData::YouTube to create a WebService::GData::YouTube::Feed::Video
    - YouTube service may not work entirely right now!
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.03_01  2010/10/24 22:45

    - Added __set and __get autoload methods in WebService::GData
    - Created the abstract Node package and implemented some nodes. 
    - Added the youtube nodes
    - Added new tests for nodes
    - Erased all the tags in Feed:: and moved them in Nodes:: as Entity representation.
    - YouTube service may not work right now!
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.02_09  2010/10/11 23:05

    - Documented a bit more the WebService::GData::Feed entry sub.
    - the above sub now loads a package only once 
    - Added a new test for the above sub and the package itself
    - updated the doc here and there
    - documented the YouTube::Constants package and added a test
    - Feed and Entry doc was specifying a auth object where it should have been a Base request object.
    - will start rewriting the YouTube service which certainly does not work now.
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.02_08  2010/10/10 0:27

    - Moved disable sub to WebService::GData and add doc about it.
    - Fixed small typo in WebService::GData::Query doc
    - Updated the doc for WebService::GData::Feed::Link which was a bad copy/paste from an other package.
    - Added WebService::GData::Feed::Entry::Content
    - Added new tests for the above package and for WebService::GData::Feed::Entry
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.02_07  2010/10/03 0:27

    - Modified WebService::GData::Feed so that complex data return an object
    - Added 3 classes: WebService::GData::Feed::Author,WebService::GData::Feed::Link,WebService::GData::Feed::Category
    - Updated the doc for WebService::GData::Feed
    - Added tests for the above 3 classes and for WebService::GData::Feed.
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.02_06  2010/09/18 23:45

    - updated/fix WebService::GData::ClientLogin doc
    - ClientLogin throws an error if the password/email is not set before querying the service.
    - ClientLogin set the error code from the server in the code method instead of always returning 403.
    - added live tests on the command line for WebService::GData::ClientLogin.
      The user can enter its own account information and try to connect.
      Might not work in all platforms and might disappear in the next release...
    - updated WebService::GData::Feed to explain a little bit more what is what.
    - created a load instance test for WebService::GData::Feed.
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.02_05  2010/09/18 12:03

    - updated/fix WebService::GData::ClientLogin doc
    - ClientLogin throws an error if the password/email is not set before querying the service.
    - added tests for ClientLogin.
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.02_04  2010/09/17 11:42

    - updated/fix WebService::GData::YouTube doc
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.02_03  2010/09/17 11:00

    - updated/fix WebService::GData::YouTube where $auth was required where it should be optional
    - fix WebService::GData::YouTube the standard feed functions not in sync with doc
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.02_02  2010/09/12 23:46

    - updated/fix the doc for WebService::GData::ClientLogin
    - added a loading test for the above package.
    - revert back the dependencies to Test::Mock::LWP to being required for now...
      will see if I can fix.
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.02_01  2010/09/12 23:46

    - updated/fix the doc
    - added new tests for WebService::GData::Base
    - added get_uri and get_user_agent_name in WebService::GData::Base
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.01_09  2010/09/09 22:11

    - updated/fix the doc
    - added some tests for WebService::GData::Base
    - modified some behavior in WebService::GData::Base
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.01_08  2010/09/08 12:18

    - updated/fix the doc
    - fix http status code in WebService::GData::Constants
    - added override_method in WebService::GData::Base
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.01_07  2010/09/05 22:52

    - updated/fix the doc
    - added http status code in WebService::GData::Constants
    - added a basic date format validation logic in WebService::GData::Query
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!
0.01_06  2010/09/05 23:52

    - updated/fix the doc
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.01_05  2010/09/05 16:17

    - updated/fix the doc
    - created new tests
    - created new doc
    - added some new feature to WebService::GData: private
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.01_04  2010/09/02 19:10
    - updated/fix the doc
    - created new tests
    - created new doc
    - added some new feature to WebService::GData::Query: install/disable
      These functions will be used in sub classes to create easily the methods.
      It will also try to call _FUNC_NAME_is_valid before setting the value.
    - modified install_in_package to accept an optional package
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.01_03  2010/09/02 19:10

    - updated the doc
    - created new tests
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.01_02  2010/09/02 19:10

    - updated the doc
    - created tests for WebService::GData
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!

0.01_01  Wed Sep  1 23:57:09 2010
    - original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
    -AX -n WebService::GData -b 5.8.8
    - !DEVELOPER RELEASE! Please feel free to try it and send me feedbacks!