2021-03-26	v0.10
* Fixed method name _route to _route to work with Mojolicious 9 (Bug #10, thanks Alejandro Imass)

2015-05-08	v0.09
* Added call to routes->under() when routes->bridge() is not available (Bug #8)

2014-05-13	v0.08
* Forgot to deference array returned from app->secrets(); this was caused by too much ruby programming :) (Bug #7, thanks Roberto Frenna)

2014-05-12	v0.07
* Added call to app->secrets() when app->secret() is not available (Bug #6)

2013-05-27	v0.06
* Set content type to text/plain for 400 and 401 replies
* Small change to make tests run on Mojolicious 4 (Bug #4, thanks Per Carlson)

2012-12-14	v0.05
* Fixed implicit return causing digest_auth() to always return true in Mojolicious >= 3.64

2012-09-13	v0.04
* Removed some methods from Util used for Mojo::Util backwards compatibility
* Fixed 00db.t, now passes on non en-US locale boxes (Bug #2, thanks Dmitriy Shalashov & Alexander Bendo)

2011-12-12	v0.03
* Fixed URL comparison (Bug #1)
* Fixed various things broken by new releases of Mojolicious
* Fixed uninitialized value warnings from checksum()
* Changed how the current request's URL is determined
* Added check for X-HTTP_AUTHORIZATION
* Added option 'support_broken_browsers'