Revision history for XPAN-Query
0.05 2014-08-16 (SHARYANTO) - Happy 19th CPAN Day!
- No functional changes.
- Move examples from manual scripts in App-XPANQueryUtils to Rinci
function metadata, for later when that dist is rebuilt using an
updated DZP::Rinci::ScriptFromFunc.
0.04 2014-06-06 (SHARYANTO)
- [Incompatible change] Change return type for some function, now all
function return array (table data) instead of hash.
- Add argument: detail (false by default). Return names/ID's by default
instead of detailed records.
- Add filters by author, dist.
- Split CLI scripts to App-XPANQueryUtils to make dependencies of this
distribution lighter.
0.03 2014-06-05 (SHARYANTO)
- Add --query.
- Some fixes.
0.02 2014-06-05 (SHARYANTO)
- Finish first implementation.
0.01 2014-06-05 (SHARYANTO)
- First version, no implementation yet.