Revision history for SHARYANTO-Module-Path

0.20     2014-08-26 (SHARYANTO)

         - [Removed] Remove completion-related routines (moved to App-PMUtils).

         - Add note in Description about why this module exists.

0.19     2014-06-25 (SHARYANTO)

         - Use case-insensitive module completion, for convenience.

0.18     2014-06-25 (SHARYANTO)

         - Fix typo.

         - Use Complete::Util (renamed from SHARYANTO::Complete::Util).

0.17     2014-06-24 (SHARYANTO)

         - No functional changes.

         - Fix test to avoid failure [CT].

0.16     2014-06-24 (SHARYANTO)

         - A couple of bug fixes and tweaks.

0.15     2014-06-23 (SHARYANTO)

         - Add completion routine 'module' argument.

0.14     2014-06-22 (SHARYANTO)


         - Rename dist/module from Alt::Module::Path::SHARYANTO to
           SHARYANTO::Module::Path because I want to depend on this module on
           CPAN (and don't want to force others to have to replace the original
           Module::Path by installing this dist).

         - Change interface (using hash argument) so it becomes standard Rinci


         - Remove command-line script 'mpath' to avoid clash with the one from
           Module-Path. Will replace with App-PMUtils' pmpath.

0.13.2   2014-06-22 (SHARYANTO)

         - [Bugfix] Fix logic bug which made --find-prefix negates other

         - Add short options: -a (for --all), -P (for --abs).

0.13.1   2014-06-22 (SHARYANTO)

         - Add option: find_prefix (--find-prefix, -p).

0.13     2014-04-25 (SHARYANTO)

         - No functional changes.

         - Increase version number to match original's (0.13).

0.02     2014-04-12 (SHARYANTO)

         - Some tweaks to bin/mpath: Make --pod equal to --find-pod --nofind-pm
           --nofind-pmc. Turn on full by default if there are more than one
           argument. Use tab as separator character.

0.01     2014-04-09 (SHARYANTO)

         - First release.