Revision history for Business-ID-NIK

0.05     2014-08-16 (SHARYANTO) - Happy 19th CPAN Day!

         - Add CLI script(s).

0.04    2013-09-09 (SHARYANTO)


        - Replace interface (validate_nik() and OO interface) with Rinci-based


        - Remove alias module Business::ID::SIM, for making things simpler.


        - Use list of provinces and localities from, respectively,
          Locale::ID::Province and Locale::ID::Locality.

0.03    2011-02-10 (SHARYANTO)

        - Fixes to dzil files, 'use parent' in ::KTP alias package.

0.02    2010-02-26 (SHARYANTO)

        - Generate META.yml (using Dist::Zilla)

0.01    2009-10-06 (SHARYANTO)

        - First version, released on an unsuspecting world.