Revision history for BenchmarkAnything-Storage-Frontend-Lib
0.020 2017-02-08
- pass through 'verbose' option to ::Backend::SQL
0.019 2017-02-07
- require latest ::Backend::SQL
0.018 2017-01-31
- Elasticsearch support
0.017 2016-12-06
- test fixes [Kivanc Yazan]
0.016 2016-03-04
- new function 'stats' - counters of points and metrics
0.015 2016-03-02
- explicitely versioned dependencies declared
0.014 2016-03-01
- shorter mysql user in boilerplate default config files
0.013 2015-09-29
- re-upload due to META/provides freakup
0.012 2015-09-28
- adapt tests to new BenchmarkAnything::Config behavior
0.011 2015-09-28
- RT#107315 - replace File::Slurp with File::Slurper
0.010 2015-09-24
- refactored away config handling and HTTP reporting into separate
- declare 5.008 as minimum Perl version, let's see if we can hold
that promise
0.009 2015-09-17
- adapt to renamed DB backend
(Tapper::Benchmark -> BenchmarkAnything::Storage::Backend::SQL)
0.008 2015-09-11
- moved away data transformation code into better suited lib
0.007 2015-09-10
- set cfg default to allow dzil pod coverage tests of dependent
0.006 2015-09-10
- INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: Config keys completely restructure
- init_workdir(): set up initial ~/.benchmarkanything/
0.005 2015-09-08
- optionally work against a HTTP/REST frontend now, like
provided by BenchmarkAnything::Storage::Frontend::HTTP.
- optionally skip schema validation
- support queueing as provided by Tapper::Benchmark
- better statistics details logging
- auto-connect in new()
- better db handle cleanup
0.004 2015-09-01
- provide data transformation functions
suiting google chart api
0.003 2015-08-28
- fix output format 'flat'
- better handling of uninitialized values
0.002 2015-08-26
- allow different output formats, especially 'flat'
0.001 2015-08-26
- initial release
- common functions for other storage frontend handling