Revision history for BenchmarkAnything-Storage-Frontend-HTTP

0.010     2017-01-17
        - fix tests to work with more default entries from backend

0.009     2016-03-04
        - new function 'stats' - counters of points and metrics

0.008     2015-09-28
        - replace File::Slurp with File::Slurper

0.007     2015-09-27
        - fix db connection handling to correctly work with prefork

0.006     2015-09-24
        - adapt to refactored config file handling

0.005     2015-09-20
        - declare dependency version to avoid incompatible config structure

0.004     2015-09-17
        - adapt to renamed DB backend
          (Tapper::Benchmark -> BenchmarkAnything::Storage::Backend::SQL)

0.003     2015-09-10
        - INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: Config keys completely restructure

0.002     2015-09-08
        - /api/v1/{add,search,listnames} - to submit BenchmarkAnything data points
        - work in queueing mode as provided by Tapper::Benchmark backend,
          inclusive workers in async IOLoop

0.001     2015-09-01
        - HTTP frontend to BenchmarkAnything storage,
          using Mojolicious
        - so far with those URLs:
          /api/v1/search/:value_id   (and json :query)