Revision history for Benchmark-Perl-Formance-Analyzer

0.008     2019-04-26
        - chart definitions for the pts2019 runs
        - better log messages for debugging

0.007     2016-04-25
        - auto-generate chartbundle templates
        - generate dashboard overview page

0.006     2015-09-28
        - replace File::Slurp with File::Slurper

0.005     2015-09-15
        - use BenchmarkAnything::Evaluations in with plain functions

0.004     2015-09-11
        - refactring: use another lib for data transformation

0.003     2015-09-01
        - first chart generation
        - currently HTML with Javascript google charts

0.002     2015-04-21
        - new option --whitelist to only process those metrics

0.001     2015-04-20
        - process Benchmark::Perl::Formance results
          (Tapper BenchmarkAnythingData format)