Revision history for App-Bootstrap-Perl
0.13 2018-04-21
- change default mirror to $HOME/CPAN/ instead of my
curated Pinto repo which no longer exists.
- refactor cpan install code
0.12 2015-10-03
- install essential modules conditionally
0.11 2015-04-17
- force ExtUtils::Config
- POD in generated CPAN::Config to find with perldoc -l
0.10 2015-04-17
- Changed default target directory and naming schema.
Instead of /opt it now uses /$HOME/.bootstrapperl/$HOSTNAME in
order to simplify permissions, multi-machine usage, and backups.
- fine-tune build fixes for Perl <= 5.12.3
- some more notest/force cpan dependencies on Perl 5.8
- reworked meta info injection into %Config
0.09 2015-04-05
- cleaner log handling [Vyacheslav Pechenin]
- fix building perl <5.14 [Vyacheslav Pechenin]
- better testing support [Vyacheslav Pechenin]
- control via its command interface [Vyacheslav Pechenin]
- metainfo now in built Perl's %Config [Steffen Schwigon]
0.08 2015-03-28
- now --blead allows every commit contained in blead
- easier benchmarking of local (non-upstream) changesets
--giturl|-g .
# use CWD as Perl's git repo
--version|-c .
# use local CWD's current HEAD as version
# similar to --perlformance but with
--giturl .
--plugins=<all without extra deps>
- default dependencies finetuned
0.07 2012-09-14
- simplify path prefix back
0.06 2012-09-14
- allow to override defaults from --perlformance
- do not throw away versions built with --blead
0.05 2012-09-04
- use Pinto-based mirror for --perlformance(-report)
0.04 2012-08-29
- use Task::PerlFormance now instead of Bundle::PerlFormance
- with --blead skip build of same existing version
(but still benchmark again with --perlformance)
0.03 2012-08-24
- Dist::Zilla roundhouse kick
- fix unsafe git clean
- faster CPAN index expiration
- force Benchmark::Perl::Formance
- try hard on some essential modules
- drop dysfunctional way of CPAN configuring
- disable SQLite for
- don't insist on Safe
- work around the work-around with symlinks
- rework filename scheme
- rework git version details
- more 5.9.x handling but without success on lots of CPAN deps
- rebuild on missing metainfo utils
- executable names always 2 minor digits
- add libssl-dev to Debian deps
- new options
# force cpan (re)config
# force cpan install
# shortcut for Perl::Formance
# +report results
# for easier micro-tracking
# run scripts at end
# args to run scripts
# apt-get install known Debian deps
0.02 2012-01-06
- distro maintenance
0.01 2011-12-05
- initial public version