Revision history for Perl extension Tie::Mounted.
0.19 2022-12-21 <>
- Merged development version to stable.
0.18_02 2022-12-18 <>
- Add metadata repository link.
0.18_01 2022-12-17 <>
- Major refactoring.
- Remove use of $APPROVE/@NODES.
- Skip documentation tests for non-release testing.
- Do no longer recommend Test::Pod and Test::Pod::Coverage.
- Remove the testing diagnostic.
- Use the boolean pragma for true/false values.
- Amend wording of documentation.
- Update broken license link.
0.18 Tue Feb 26 21:16:18 CET 2008
- Extended the "gathering-path" code for according
mount/umount paths.
- Revised the code for excluding '.' and '..'.
- Refined the documentation.
0.16 Mon May 1 17:02:19 CEST 2006
- Extended the _gather_paths() function to croak
appropriately in case File::Which::which() fails
to find mount/umount.
0.15 Sun Apr 30 17:38:31 CEST 2006
- Removed the _locallcall() function, because we don't
need to guard against mount/umount abuse since local
file permissions set on them prove to be sufficient.
- Added the _gather_paths() function which ensures in case
the predefined variables $MOUNT_BIN & $UMOUNT_BIN
don't refer to the actual locations that a which()
lookup is performed.
- File::Which, IO::File and Symbol are now part of the
prerequisite set.
- Improved the documentation to suit the actual state of
the art.
- Updated Build.PL to include the author name, the new
prerequisites, the correct license & the changed
create_makefile_pl argument.
- Made the INSTALL file a part of the distribution.
0.08 2004/02/03
- Nodes are validated upon the existance of an associated
directory, their enlistment in /etc/fstab and according
state (enabled/disabled).
0.03 2004/01/29
- Added bogus array option.
0.01 2004/01/29
- Initial version.