Revision history for Perl extension Text::Wrap::Smart.

0.9  2021-06-07  <>

 - Merged development version to stable.

0.8_01  2021-05-31  <>

 - Preprocess text; add tests.

 - Return early when empty string.

 - t/exact_wrap.t: correct test name.

0.8  2021-04-11  <>

 - Merged development version to stable.

0.7_02  2021-04-10  <>

 - Remove leftover in t/fuzzy_wrap.t.

0.7_01  2021-04-08  <>

 - Remove deprecated wrap_smart() and related bits.

0.7  2016-10-14  <>

 - Merged development version to stable.

0.6_03  2016-10-11  <>

 - Adjust lookahead assertion of chunk extracting regex.

0.6_02  2016-09-14  <>

 - Convert whitespace to literal space; add tests.

 - Add BUGS & CAVEATS section to documentation.

0.6_01  2016-09-06  <>

 - Major code/tests refactoring.

 - Amend documentation to reflect code changes.

 - Deprecate wrap_smart().

 - Add two functions: exact_wrap() and fuzzy_wrap().

 - Add metadata repository link.

 - Update license link.

 - Validation of arguments is now handled by Params::Validate.

 - Use the "boolean" pragma for true/false values.

 - Do no longer recommend Test::Pod and Test::Pod::Coverage.

 - Skip documentation tests for non-release testing.

 - Remove the testing diagnostic.

0.6 Fri Jan 25 22:36:50 CET 2008

 - Refactored wrap_smart() by dividing the core code into
   two subs suitable for fuzzy and exact wrapping.

 - Removed comments, because the code is mostly obvious.

 - Added a test-file which tests exact wrapping.

 - Renamed no_split.t to fuzzy_wrap.t.

 - Reworded documentation.

0.5 Sat Mar 10 13:30:44 CET 2007

 - Localised $/ within wrap_smart().

0.4 Wed Mar  7 19:29:27 CET 2007

 - Commented Text/Wrap/

 - Added no_split.t to testsuite which tests that an
   according amount of substrings with specific length
   is returned.

0.3 Sun Dec 17 21:48:49 CET 2006

 - Fixed broken splitting of lines.

 - In case the input string doesn't consist of whitespaces,
   revert to splitting without taking care of blanks.

0.2 Sun Dec 17 03:44:11 CET 2006

 - Added "smart" breaking up of text strings into
   according chunks.

 - Documented wrap_smart()'s options hash.

0.1 Thu Dec 14 20:23:20 CET 2006

 - Initial version.