
- Added better UI and parameters for Traveller and Apocalypse maps.

= Fixed Gridmapper maps with room numbers that cannot be divided by 5
  and 7, e.g. 16. Those dungeons often had the last room disconnected.

- Add castle to the default icons.

- Gnomeyland icons: more background colours; fix scaling issues in

- Alping algorithm: the wind shadow now reduces the number of rivers
  on one particular side of a mountain; add marshlands for estuaries;
  add variety to badlands.

- Traveller algorithm: fix gas giant occurence.

- Add Dockerfile, add better Docker instructions.


- Better documentation.


- Extracted all the inline modules into separate files. Added some
  documentation. No visible changes for web app users, though.


- New, extracted from a previous repository where it was mixed with
  other applications.