Revision history for NetworkInfo-Discovery-Rendezvous
0.06 2006.01.07
[BUGFIX] Net::Rendezvous API wasn't correctly used.
[API] Added the get_services() method.
0.05 2005.04.03
[TESTS] Updated t/20rendezvous.t
[TESTS] Corrected t/01api.t
0.04 2004.12.30
[CODE] Updated to follow Net::Rendezvous 0.90 API.
[TESTS] Added t/00prereq.t
0.03 2004.11.16
[DOC] Wrote the README.
[TESTS] Added tests to t/00load.t
0.02 2004.10.18
[DOC] Updated documentation with a link to Net::Rendezvous RT ticket.
[TESTS] Improved t/20rendezvous.t so that it skips when not connected to the Internet.
Added eg/
Added licenses texts.
0.01 2004.09.29
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.