2000-09-30  Samuel Behan <behan@frida.fri.utc.sk>

	* passwd_exp 0.4.6
	* passwd_exp (bug):
	  - stupit 'bug' found. If running password check from
	    there are some usual enviroment variables missing
	    such as $HOSTNAME used in default messages.
	    CAN NOT BE FIXED - added %hostname% variable instead
	* passwd_exp README file:
	  - using correct syntax and grammar from english.brain
	    dictionary ;-)

2000-09-25  Samuel Behan <behan@frida.fri.utc.sk>

	* passwd_exp:
	  - removed look behind assertions in regular expresions
	    (many version of perl do not support them)
	  - some reducancy code was removed

2000-09-22  Samuel Behan <behan@frida.fri.utc.sk>

	* releasing passwd_exp 0.4.5
	* passwd_exp:
	   - enviroment path is more restrictive (only '/bin')
	* passwd_exp (bugfix):
	   - fixed potentional 'path' bug, mailer path must be
	   - fixed last run checking function

2000-09-18  Samuel Behan <behan@frida.fri.utc.sk>

	* passwd_exp:
	   - list mode views more...
2000-09-13  Samuel Behan <behan@frida.fri.utc.sk>

	* passwd_exp version 0.4 released
	* README file created: lets have a party, the worst
	  work is done
	* full compatiblity: generated mail messages are full
	  compatible with similar messages generated by pam_pwdb
	  at login time ;-)

2000-09-11  Samuel Behan <behan@frida.fri.utc.sk>

	* passwd_exp version 0.3 (devel only):
	   - date expiration check rewriten
	   - one user check only (-u switch)
           - lock file (checks allowed only once a day)
	   - new exported variables

2000-09-09  Samuel Behan <behan@frida.fri.utc.sk>
	* passwd_exp version 0.2 released:
	   - admin mode default warning days
	   - admin mode messages configurable (in script only)
 	   - install script added (./install)
	* cron file added (./passwd_exp.cron): automatically 
	       installed to /etc/cron.daily, sending error
	       email to root if something goes wrong

2000-09-07  Samuel Behan <behan@frida.fri.utc.sk>

	* passwd_exp:
	   - configuration from file
	   - added expiration checks by expiration date
	   - 'no send' users (config file)
	   - 'no check' users (config file): no check performed
	       if user has 'no check' file in home dir
	   - variable replacing in mail body and subject:
	       exported variables can be used in the mail body 
	       or subject and will be replaced by their 'real' value.
	       Enviroment variables are also avaible.

2000-09-06  Samuel Behan <behan@frida.fri.utc.sk>

	* new idea, new program... ;-)
	* passwd_exp version 0.1 (devel only):
	  - password expiration checks by shadow database
	  - account disable checks by shadow database
	  - warning mail sending
	  - admin mode (-l switch)