Revision history for Array-To-Moose
0.08 Thursday 24 April 2014
- Made ugly kludge to handle Moose type "Maybe[`]". Needs further work to
properly handle user-defined data types a la Moose::Util::TypeConstraints
0.07 Sunday 13 April 2014
- Added more tests, especially for _check_subobj()
0.06 Friday 04 April 2014
- Found errors in _check_ref_attribs() and _check_non_ref_attribs()
0.05 Friday 04 April 2014
- Changed dependence from Params::Validate to Paramas::Validate::Array
0.04 Tuesday 01 April 2014
- Added capability for arrayrefs of "simple" types, like 'Str', 'Int', etc.
0.03 Saturday 05 Jan 2013
- Oops! Left in a "use VarianReports" in many of the test files
0.02 Wednesday 02 Jan 2013
- Corrected some POD errors, mainly links (L<...>)
0.01 Tuesday 01 19:30:44 2013
- Initial release.