Term::Graille - Graphical Display in the terminal using UTF8 Braille characters
-Term::Graille Multicharacter scrolling of canvas
-Term::Graille::Interact user interaction module added
-Term::Graille::Menu now used Interact; Term::Graille::IO deprecated to be removed in 0.11
-Term::Graille::Dialog added
-Term::Graille::Selector with limited file selecting capability,
-Term::Graille::Textarea with scrolling editable text
-Term::Graille::Audio added
- examples/ a terminal editor with a hierachical menu
- examples/ testing Audio Module
-starting Charting module
-Term::Graille::IO user interaction module
-Term::Graille::Menu A modal drop down menu for user interaction
-prototype sprite editor started
- minor bug fixes
- Variable thickness lines added (requires Algorithm::Line::Bresenham 0.151)
- Adds textAt () function allowing heterogenous content on the canvas
- Adds colour to pixel and text and turtle graphics on the $canvas
- Adds a Graille::Font module that imports converts and loads and saves fonts
- loadGrf() moved to the new separate Graille::Font module
- Added print colour("reset") as suggested by
- Added block2braille (convert 2d binary data to 2d braille)
- Added blockBlit (blit 2d blocks of characters)
- Added loadGrf (load blocks e.g. fonts)
- Added importCanvas and exportCanvas (load/save canvas from/to file)
- Added font2grf to examples folder (convert fonts from to grf)
- Added image2grl (convert image to file loadable by Term::Graille *Needs Image::Magick)
- Added testanimate (convert a folder containingg frames into Graille Animation *Needs Image::Magick)
Failing CpanTesters
- Error in 1.t corected
- Added Import and export images
- Created an image converter (Depends on Image::Magick)
Corrected error hightlighted by
- Perl Version set at v5.10.0
- License file removed
0.03 June 2022
First version unploaded to CPAN
0.02 June 2022
First version converted form Drawille