0.031	27 February 2006
	SOAP::Data::ComplexType::AUTLOAD now warns with stack traces instead of dieing on them.
	Intention is to have run-time stability preferred without requiring exception traps everywhere in implementing applications (for now).
	Added eva{...} enclosure to SOAP::Data::ComplexType::as_raw_data(...) and SOAP::Data::ComplexType::Builder::serialize(...).
	Added object type checking in SOAP::Data::ComplexType::Builder get_as_raw(...), get_as_data(...), and add_elem(...).
	Overloaded SOAP::Data::ComplexType::Builder parent class find_elem(...) to handle better type checking.

0.03	25 January 2006
	Fixed minor error case handling syntax bug in set_elem().
	Fixed bug where if value were 0, SOAP::Data::ComplexType::Builder::get_as_data() would interpret this as undef.
	Added strict and warnings pragmas to all packages.
	Rewrote internals to support nested objects for constructor input.
	Support added for complexTypes with fields that can have more than once occurance (i.e. array-like types).
	Added documentation for new object methods.
	Misc documentation updates.

0.02	27 December 2005
	Added support for raw perl data dump of data structures: as_raw_data().
	Added get_elem() and set_elem() for access to nested elements and to elements who share names of object methods.
	Modified autoloader to return a raw perl data dump of node (instead of simple scalar dump.
	Added support of SOAP data or XML serialization of any arbitrary node (includes children) within the ComplexType object.
	Corrected bug in element attribute parsing.
	Minor bug fix in SOAP::Data::ComplexType::Builder::Element method value().

0.01	26 October 2005
	First public version of ComplexType.pm.