Revision history for Timer-Simple

1.006     2015-04-29T13:47:13Z

  - Fix pod link.  Thanks to perlancar for the pull request (gh-2).

1.005     2014-02-01T16:59:43Z

  - Add 'rps' format to show possible requests per second ('4.743616s (0.211/s)').
    Thanks Tomohiro Hosaka!

1.004     2011-07-15T00:32:30Z

  - Add some debug output for a smoke test failure
  - Superficial dist/release changes

1.003     2011-03-25T01:56:38Z

  - 'string' attribute to new() sets default format for string() method
    (customizable stringification)
  - Default stringifcation changed from 'hms' to new 'short' format
  - Deprecate 'format' attribute; Use 'hms' instead

1.002     2011-03-24T00:40:28Z

  - fix bug of adjusting the clock when calling stop() mutliple times

1.001     2011-03-24T00:35:59Z
  - Overload numeric context (evaluates to elapsed())
  - Provide package functions for working with multiple timers

1.000     2011-03-24T00:19:07Z

  - Initial version