The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
    * Detect missing comma and give clearer error. (#65);

    * OpenAPI/Swagger fixes (#59, #63);
    * JSON encoder improvements (#58, #62);

    * Do not cache routes if nothing found (#61);

    * Minor fixes;

    * Do not eval inside eval to propagate error message correctly from
      parameter validator (relates to #32);

    * Ignore media type options when negotiating format (#15);
    * Type coercions (#32);

    * Set tag's description to empty to comply with Swagger specification (#51);
    * Support MooseX::Types (#52);

0.76 Content-type from `provides` annotations
    * Respect content-type from `provides` route annotations (#50);

0.75 Swagger
    * Add support for producers to Swagger plugin (#43);

0.73 Fixes
    * Fixes logging issue (#36);
    * Number of POD fixes (#38, #35);

0.72 Fixes
    * Takes only last part of URI after full stop (#14);
    * Makes tests use Test::More::note instead of printing to STDERR;

0.71 identical to 0.70

0.70 Formatters
    * Introduces a Formatters middleware and Encoder/Decoder modules;
    * Removes Raisin::Response;
    * Simplifies Raisin::Request;
    * Drops x-www-form-urlencoded support;

0.69 Documented responses
    * Fixes
    * Plack::Middleware::CrossOrigin has been removed from Swagger plugin;
    * Improvements for raisin script to make it generate clean OpenAPI spec;
    * Documented responses via entity keyword;
    * Limited support of OpenAPI security (basic & apiKey);

0.68 Nested parameters
    * Nested parameters:
        - Parameters by itself;
        - Swagger/OpenAPI support;
    * Syntax sugar: requires and optional keywords to declare parameters;
    * Logging support in Routes;

0.67 Broken test
    * Fix broken tests

0.66 Delayed response
    * Merge pull request by `kimcognito` fixes delayed responses;
    * Adds a location option to parameter description for OpenAPI specification;
    * Adds an `openapi` key to the raisin script to show OpenAPI specification;

0.65 Fixes
    * Update ROADMAP section;
    * Depends on Perl 5.10.0;

0.64 Fixes
    * Process body parameters for PATCH requests;

0.63 Fixes
    * Support for parameters in Content-Type header according to RFC1341;

0.62 Fixes
    * Fix accept header;
    * Use `while` instead of `List::Util::pairs`;
    * Fix a `format` capturing (GitHub issue #14);

0.61 Fixes
    * Fix an accept header's bevahiour (RFC7231);
    * Fix `param` method;
    * Fix & improve Swagger plugin;
    * Minor fixes;

    * Add support for a HTTP OPTIONS verb;
    * Add new intergration tests;

0.59 Include missing
    * Fix examples;
    * Fix a `t/unit/plugin/format/text.t` test;
    * Add an `include_missing` function;

0.58 Swagger 2.0
    * Add support for a Swagger 2.0;
    * Minor fixes;
    * Improve a coverage;

0.57 Fix
    * Fix `t/unit/plugin/format/*` tests;
    * A new `t/unit/api.t` test;
    * New `t/unit/integration` tests;
    * Small fixes in `API`, `Entity` & `Param`;

0.56 Fix
    * Skip a `t/unit/plugin/logger.t` test;

0.55 Tests & Fixes
    - Drop support for old routes syntax;
    - Add support for nested entities;
    - Fix "wide character" in the terminal output & in the POD;
    - Supplement unit tests;
    - Many fixes in Param:
        * fetch all params and apply precedence rules;
        * delete an obsolete syntax support [array];
        * update errors format;
    - Util:
        * fix & supplement `detect_serializer`;
    - Fix Routes::Endpoint;
    - Fix Routes;
    - Cleanup Attributes;
    - Return to X.XX version format;

0.5200 Fixes & Improvments
    - Update documentation;
    - New way of rendering data:
        * store user's endpoint into response body if any;
        * add format method to the Raisin::Response;
    - Rework `raisin` utility script:
        * add colors;
        * reformat an output;
        * remove `routes` param;
        * code clean up;
    - Refactor `Raisin`;

0.5101 Fixes
    - POD add AUTHOR section;
    - Fix `t/unit/entity.t`;

0.5100 Entities
    - Entities;
    - Entities example with DBIx::Class, Rose::DB::Object;

0.5000 New API syntax
    - New API syntax;
    - Rename 'APIDocs' plugin to 'Swagger';
    - Some minor changes/fixes;

0.4003 Fixes
    - `use base` -> `use parent`;
    - Don't print debug messages in deployment environment;
    - Don't encode JSON to utf8;

0.4002 Fixes
    - Update dependencies:
        * include: Hash::MultiValue, List::Util;

0.4001 Bug fixes
    - Delete DDP dependency;

0.4000 Description and strict format
    - Description for resources, operations and parameters;
    - Rename `namespace` to `resource` and make an alias for `namespace`;
    - Able to setup strict API formatter via `api_format`;
    - Able to setup default API formatter via `api_default_format`;
    - Many internal refactoring:
        * Routes, Endpoint, API, Raisin, Plugins, Utils;
    - Delete `Log::Dispatch` from dependency list;

0.36 Bug fixes
    - Fix broken `basePath` in `APIDocs` plugin;

0.35 Type::Tiny
    - NEW Migrate to `Type::Tiny`, `Moo`, `Moose` compatible type contraint;
    - Some code cleanup & refactoring;
    - NEW example application (see examples/sample);
    - FIX cut path extensions;

0.30 Logger
    - Default logger;
    - NEW more complex tests;
    - Small fixes:
        * Plugin cleanup;
        * Response cleanup;
        * Request cleanup;

0.29 Bug fixes
    - Clean up `psgi' subroutine in Raisin;
    - FIX #1
        * fix examples;
        * fix namespace subroutine;
    - FIX #2
        * update docs;

0.28 refactoring
    - Refactor format detection mechanism;
    - Update format plugins;
    - Detect input data by `content-type` header;
    - Detect output data by `content-type` or `path extension`;

0.27 Path extension
    - Detect format by path extenstion;

0.26 raisin script
    - Raisin script: show application API;
    - Detect format by `Accept' header;
    - Fix path crop regex;

0.25 Fixes
    - Fix named route params;
    - New keyword params (similar to Grape);
    - Rename params to param and change behaviour;

0.24 Refactor params
    - Refactor types and routes;
    - Update types;
    - Fix version numbering;

0.22 Refactor params & types
    - Update params to match *Refactor Types* TODO section;

0.21 Refactor params
    - Refactor types and routes;

0.20 Fixes & Improvments
    - Accept both keywords `required` and `requires` in;
    - `populate_params` now populates all declared params;

0.13 Fixes
    - More functional `raisin` script;
    - Update dependencies;
    - Update POD;
    - Needs Perl 5.10 at least;

0.12 Fixes
    - Fix failes;
    - Remove Perl 5.12 dependency;
    - Update dependency in cpanfile;

0.11 Swagger support
    - Basic Swagger support;

0.1 Initial release
    - Adding base functionality;