Revision history for MooseX-AttributeShortcuts

0.035     2017-09-22 19:54:38 CDT-0500
	* Rebrand "anonymous builders" as "inline builders"
	* Flavor the method metaclass with a trait that provides for definition
	  context, and install inline builders using it.  This will make it easier
	  to use the method metaclasses to see where the builder methods came from
	  (if you're in to that sort of thing).

0.034     2017-07-25 19:18:32 CDT-0500
	* Make optional requirements optional.  Thanks @ppisar!  Closes #19

0.033     2017-07-24 21:52:45 CDT-0500
	* Detect if MooseX::SemiAffordanceAccessor has been applied to the
	  attribute, and conform our behaviour to it if necessary.  Add some docs,
	  tests around this.

0.032     2017-06-13 21:59:13 CDT-0500
	* Move builder method name generation into its own method, provided by the
	  common 'HasAnonBuilder' role, to allow for easier overriding when
	  organizations decide to use non-standard builder method names that
	  cannot be handled by changing the traits' "builder_prefix" option.

0.031     2017-05-30 22:32:27 CDT-0500
	* Fix tests to run without '.' in @INC; fixes #17.
	* Additional tests, documentation, and examples.

0.030-TRIAL  2017-05-08 22:58:52 CDT-0500
	* Move our attribute trait out into its own file.
	* Anonymous builder methods for attributes in roles are now created at the
	  time the attribute is defined in the role, not when the role (attribute)
	  is applied to a class.  That is, using 'builder => sub { ... }' in a
	  role will result in the role having the builder method.  Because of
	  this, we can now treat those methods like other role methods: aliasing,
	  excluding, etc.

0.029     2017-05-08 22:53:18 CDT-0500
	* Redo a number of tests, to improve coverage and deal with the IMPENDING
	  DOOM of . in @INC
	* Add a "history" note referencing lazy_build
	* Additional metaclass/trait application tests
	* Add a 'trigger_method' attribute, to stash away the expected name of the
	  method our generated trigger will call in the associated class
	* Use List::Util instead of List::AllUtils+List::MoreUtils (thanks,
	  ether! #15)
	* Clarify some points in the documentation (thanks, Olaf! #10)
	* Drop some older methods: mi(), strengthen/weaken_value()

0.028     2015-04-07 20:45:00 PDT-0700
	* 0.028.  *le sigh*

0.027_02  2015-04-07 20:43:17 PDT-0700
	* Moose 1.14 is now the minimum supported Moose.

0.027_01  2015-03-28 22:02:17 PDT-0700
	* Break out our $_process_options into more... succinct... methods.
	* Add Moo-style type constraints.

0.027     2015-03-10 19:27:06 PDT-0700
	* Stop using autobox, after relentless persecution by The Cabal ;)
	* Push out our warnings for those using undocumented bits, as we haven't
	  released a non-dev/trial version in *ages*

0.026-TRIAL  2014-12-02 19:52:59 PST-0800
	* Keep our comments dumb, even in tests. (thanks, @haarg!)

0.025-TRIAL  2014-05-22 12:51:25 PDT-0700
	* This is a TRIAL release, as I'm not entirely sure of the wisdom and
	  implementation of the following.
	* Allow for the creation of additional associated methods by hijacking the
	  delegation system, a la native traits: handles => { ... => sub { ... } }

0.024     2014-05-02 12:50:57 PDT-0700
	* Make the undocumented isa_* options "deprecated" ...which seems like
	  better karma than no warning, as people really shouldn't be using these
	  anyways, but better nice than to have it done to me someday :)

0.023     2014-04-04 21:23:33 PDT-0700
	* Add isa_instance_of attribute option.

0.022     2013-09-29 00:08:39 PDT-0700
	* No code changes -- released with refreshed test suite

0.021     2013-09-08 23:32:09 PDT-0700
	* Drop MXCPA entirely, and incorporate the subtyping functionality

0.020_01  2013-08-26 13:33:44 PDT-0700
	* Keep MXCPA quiet, for now.  This is evil (hence the dev release), but
	  should keep things status-quo until we properly integrate MXCPA
	  functionality into MXAS proper.

0.020     2013-08-19 21:51:02 PDT-0700
	* Bump CoercePerAttribute version requirement to 1.000 and update docs

0.019     2013-04-20 21:50:05 PDT-0700
	* Better support inline subtyping and coercions (people who are inclined
	  to shoot themselves in their foot will do it regardless)
	* Additional tests for coercions

0.018     2013-01-09 10:20:25 PST8PDT
	* ~~ TRIAL ~~
	* If a constraint coderef is given and coercion is requested, we now copy
	  the parent type's coercions to the anonymous child type.
	* Better document the constraint option and how it interacts with simple

0.017     2012-10-28 20:53:52 PST8PDT
	* make actually make classes immutable during tests
	* add initial primitive anonymous inline subtyping support; this needs to
	  be evaluated with the outstanding pull request (issue #6) but I need
	  this Right Now

0.016     2012-09-08 21:41:38 America/Los_Angeles
	* provide for "negative shortcuts" for clearer and predicate, but don't
	  document for the moment

0.015     2012-08-26 11:48:29 America/Los_Angeles
	* add 'builder => sub { ... }' shortcut [gh #4]

0.014     2012-08-16 17:26:09 America/Los_Angeles
	* explictly test for definedness rather than truthiness when determining
	  if someone has also specified a default along with is => lazy

0.013     2012-07-15 22:11:37 America/Los_Angeles
	* Restore tests lost from (d11e67a) -- no functional / code changes!

0.012     2012-05-02 11:02:10 America/Los_Angeles
	* TRIAL/dev release
	* Don't try to guess what sort of metaclass we need; just die if we don't
	  have one
	* Misc cleanups

0.011     2012-04-30 13:41:05 America/Los_Angeles
	* TRIAL/dev release
	* Handle the no-metaclass case in our init_meta()

0.010     2012-04-06 18:25:42 America/Los_Angeles
	* Minor doc updates; no functional changes from 0.009 (TRIAL)

0.009     2012-03-26 23:46:58 America/Los_Angeles
	* Drop 'init_arg => undef' from our 'ro => "lazy"' shortcut.  This was
	  done in coordination with the author of Moo, based on consistently
	  surprised user feedback.

0.008     2012-01-10 23:05:34 America/Los_Angeles
	* Prebuild our roles, for better caching (and fewer warnings, at least)

0.007     2012-01-10 17:30:57 America/Los_Angeles
	* Allow default to be also be specified when is => lazy

0.006     2011-10-27 10:15:07 America/Los_Angeles
	* We now handle "trigger => 1", as well
	* All our tests are wrapped in Test::Moose::with_immutable(),
	  just to make sure that we immutablize properly

0.005     2011-08-18 20:54:02 America/Los_Angeles
    * handle attribute extension/cloning, for realz this time
    * we now handle the case of attributes defined in roles by properly
      applying our trait to the applied_attribute metaclass

0.004     2011-08-02 23:44:20 America/Los_Angeles
    * add lazy_build => 'private'
    * our laziness was being ignored when an attribute defined in one class
      was being extended/cloned in another class -- this could not stand

0.003     2011-07-03 16:40:19 America/Los_Angeles
    * handle predicate => 1, clearer => 1 as well

0.002     2011-03-30 23:43:11 America/Los_Angeles
    * Convert our trait to a parameterized role, to allow for different
      build and writer prefixes (e.g. '_set_' vs '_')
    * Cause 'is => "lazy"' to behave the way it does in Moo
    * Change the default writer prefix from _ to _set_; it was pointed out
      that this is the expected way to do things (and makes more sense,

0.001     2011-03-27 08:12:11 America/Los_Angeles
    * initial release