Revision history for Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-RSRCHBOY

0.066     2015-08-07 15:27:00 PDT-0700
	* add 'formattable' to stopwords
	* ReportVersions::Tiny -> Test::ReportVersions

0.065     2015-07-12 14:54:18 PDT-0700

0.064_01-TRIAL  2015-07-10 21:48:05 PDT-0700
	* rejigger and add some pod sections

0.064     2015-07-05 20:09:57 PDT-0700
	* adjust stopwords

0.063     2015-06-30 18:28:14 PDT-0700
	* [pw] add '=pvt_method'

0.062     2015-05-11 20:59:37 PDT-0700
	* [dzil] Conditionalize CommitBuild

0.061     2015-05-05 20:26:02 PDT-0700
	* [pw] drop SourceGitHub

0.060     2015-04-27 22:17:13 PDT-0700
	* aaaaaand add 'Gratipay' to our list of stopwords

0.059     2015-04-27 22:08:27 PDT-0700
	* [dzil] use 0 for our version in develop prereq declaration when
	* [dzil] add a coveralls badge
	* Fix our "material boy" section.  Finally!

0.058     2015-04-21 20:33:51 PDT-0700
	* [dzil] call VERSION on the right thing *le sigh*

0.057     2015-04-21 20:27:43 PDT-0700
	* [dzil] add ourself as a versioned develop/requires prerequisite, such
	  that distributions built with this bundle should develop/require at
	  the level of this package used to build the distribution.

0.056     2015-04-20 20:27:32 PDT-0700
	* [dzil] add GitHubREADME::Badge (travis, cpants)

0.055     2014-12-27 21:36:13 PST-0800
	* [dzil] Reorder certain plugins to get README generation going again.

0.054     2014-12-02 20:03:07 PST-0800
	* [dzil] ...and allow tweet disabling to work!

0.053     2014-12-02 19:56:57 PST-0800
	* [dzil] Tweet by default

0.052     2014-11-12 22:09:14 PST-0800
	* [dzil] EOLTests becomes Test::EOL

0.051     2014-10-14 22:34:15 PDT-0700
	* Add Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Run::AfterMint as a minting prereq.

0.050     2014-07-05 15:25:22 PDT-0700
	* Add missing prepreq to dist.ini

0.049     2014-05-12 12:52:47 PDT-0700
	* [dzil] drop errant File::Slurp usage (closes #6)
	* [dzil] drop InstallGuide, as all my releases are ABENDing
	* [pw]   restructure our Authors section a touch; add HTML images / links

0.048     2014-04-29 14:44:00 PDT-0700
	* [pw] add a custom Authors plugin

0.047     2014-04-17 15:41:19 PDT-0700
	* [dzil] switch from NoTabsTests to Test::NoTabs
	* [pw] use SingleEncoding (thanks! issue #5)
	* [dzil] use Git::Raw to do *some* of the git bits for now

0.046     2014-04-11 14:58:09 PDT-0700
	* [dzil] Add a helper role for Git::Raw operations
	* [pw]   Move Pod::Weaver deps into dist.ini
	* [dzil] move our dependency listing from the bundle to the dist.ini
	* [dzil] add github_user overrides; use GithubMeta plugin

0.045     2014-04-10 17:29:59 PDT-0700
	* [dzil] add CheckSelfDependency (ensures no recursive deps)
	* [dzil] add missing dzil plugin dep to dist.ini *le sigh*
	* [dzil] make our max_target_perl v5.10.1
	* [dzil] mark ContributorsFromGit minimum as 0.010
	* [dzil] move PAUSE::Encrypted dep declaration to dist.ini
	* [dzil] ...and add missing plugin: Travis::ConfigForReleaseBranch
	* [dzil] add CheckSelfDependency

0.044     2014-03-03 11:59:20 PST-0800
	* [dzil] make POD spelling test happy ('dist' makes them sad!)
	* [dzil] Fix 0.012 release date (github #1; thanks @neilbowers!)
	* [dzil] update travis config
	* [dzil] misc cleanups
	* [dzil] add SchwartzRatio
	* [dzil] move the unincorporated prereqs over into dist.ini
	* [dzil] drop ExtraTests, add RunExtraTests and CheckExtraTests
	* [dzil] auto-remove README.pod, if present (was replaced with the
	  markdown version a while back)

0.043     2013-08-13 01:23:32 PDT-0700
	* [dzil] move "missing prereqs" into dist.ini
	* [dzil] only fetch/update the origin remote once
	* [dzil] add Travis::ConfigForReleaseBranch
	* [dzil] add PromptIfStale

0.042     2013-08-04 15:18:09 PDT-0700
	* add Test::CheckDeps
	* start prepping dist.ini to hold our prereqs (...maybe)
	* use Git::Check::Remote to ensure master and release/cpan are in sync before releasing
	* don't add cpanfile to build in dist.ini, as we're doing it in the bundle now
	* default => builder; plus a note to clean up this area.
	* make copy_from_build a private attribute rather than a method
	* add the PluginRemover role!
	* add ensure_current() method, to help cope with bundle changes
	* require a recent version of autodie
	* rejigger our .travis.yml to be...  well, hopefully better
	* copy cpanfile back into our root; for travis and others

0.041     2013-07-20 13:23:43 PDT-0700
	* [dzil] provide a default authority (cpan:RSRCHBOY)
	* various travis tweaks so we build correctly over there

0.040     2013-07-12 23:34:53 CDT-0500
	* drop requirement on perl v5.10+; not needed for this package and was
	  making testing difficult on travis.
	* [dzil] add Authority, Git::Describe plugins
	* [dzil] add Test::MinimumVersion w/a default of 5.008008

0.039     2013-04-22 21:23:23 PDT-0700
	* [dzil] sync git allow dirty files lists (and ensure the new README.mkdn
	  gets committed appropriately!)

0.038     2013-03-29 22:58:45 PDT-0700
	* [dzil] allow dev-style versions (x.xxxxxx_xx)

0.037     2013-03-28 21:58:31 PDT-0700
	* [dzil] remove TravisYML plugin until it's a little more sorted
	* [dzil] Switch GH readme from POD to Markdown to support badges (travis,

0.036     2013-03-17 22:12:51 PDT-0700
	* [dzil] add TravisYML plugin and configuration

0.035     2013-02-23 10:16:16 PST-0800
	* [dzil] rework how/where we add the git plugins to resolve ordering
	  dependency issues (Push vs CommitBuild)

0.034     2013-02-23 09:51:18 PST-0800
	* [dzil] add Git::CommitBuild to track full CPAN releases

0.033     2013-01-09 16:06:50 PST-0800
	* [dzil] expose trial info in Changes version line
	* [dzil] add cpanfile to list of files allowed to be dirty

0.032     2012-12-21 21:26:53 CST6CDT
	* [weaver]: add GeneratedAttributes, LazyAttributes section
	* [dzil]:	add CPANFile
	* [dzil]: 	add Test::Pod::LinkCheck plugin

0.031     2012-11-26 23:27:18 PST8PDT
	* add ContributorsFromGit to dzil bundle

0.030     2012-11-14 21:45:00 PST8PDT
	* Add CONTRIBUTORS section to our weaver configuration

0.029     2012-11-03 23:26:30 PST8PDT
	* switch to using the dist-zilla specific pluginbundle slicer role
	* drop Test::Portability, as the underlying module has been broken for 6

0.028     2012-11-03 21:55:56 PST8PDT
	* add lazy/required attributes sections from CollectWithInfo (that is, we
	  now have a nice little bit of intro text).
	* Add 'ROLE PARAMETERS' section

0.027     2012-08-26 12:43:33 America/Los_Angeles
	* actually copy LICENSE back to root now *sigh*
	* add 'coderef' to list of stopwords

0.026     2012-07-13 15:06:31 America/Los_Angeles
	* dzp: CheckChangesHasContent
	* allow "sign" as an option (set to 0/falsey to disable tag and release
	* add Config::MVP::Slicer for broader plugin option coverage
	* add "tweet" option
	* initial start of (real) documentation

0.025     2012-06-30 11:05:55 America/Los_Angeles
	* dzp: Git to 1.121770
	* dzp: enable tag signing

0.024     2012-06-20 21:12:42 America/Los_Angeles
	* add dzp Signature
	* force DZ::PB::Git to 1.121770, for the reworked CommitBuild
	* drop weaver section Consumes; not quite optimal yet

0.023     2012-06-18 17:07:19 America/North_Dakota/New_Salem
	* add MetaProvides::Package, MetaNoIndex
	* add weaver section: Consumes

0.022     2012-06-06 01:44:51 America/Los_Angeles
	* allow .gitignore to be dirty during pre-release
	* break "author" tests config out into author_tests() and allow them to be
	  excluded via "rapid_dev = 1"
	* break out release plugin config into release_plugins()
	* add the Pod::Weaver 'StopWords' plugin

0.021     2012-05-29 16:57:02 America/Los_Angeles
	* add LICENSE to list of files to copy back after building

0.020     2012-05-02 14:52:13 America/Los_Angeles
	* update our version regexp to handle '-TRIAL'

0.019     2012-04-07 23:19:17 America/Los_Angeles
	* update stopwords list with some common faux-words
	* add 'REQUIRED METHODS' section to PodWeaver config
	* add weaver.ini to list of files allowed to be dirty during release prep

0.018     2012-03-20 10:25:21 America/Los_Angeles
	* add 'version' before %v in our pod VERSION section format string

0.017     2012-03-09 00:09:36 America/Los_Angeles
	* add missing Pod::Weaver::Plugin::Encoding dep

0.016     2012-02-14 20:46:10 America/Los_Angeles
	* add 'metaclass' to stopwords list

0.015     2012-02-06 20:28:06 America/Los_Angeles
	* DZ: add Test::PodSpelling, @Git::CheckFor
	* PW: alter version section to be a touch more helpful

0.014     2012-02-05 09:36:35 America/Los_Angeles
	* switch prereqs indexed? release plugin to before confirm release
	* add initial Pod::Weaver config bundle
	* allow a local weaver.ini to override our config

0.012     2012-01-10 America/Los_Angeles
	* change "cat_app" option to just "app"; preserve cat_app for legacy
	* dist.ini tweaks

0.011     2011-10-27 10:13:25 America/Los_Angeles
	* switch to ReportVersions::Tiny
	* drop Test::UseAllModules for the moment, as it dies horribly when
	  trying to use a role

0.010     2011-09-29 12:03:52 America/Los_Angeles
	* additional prereqs (generally Test:: modules that the invoking DZ plugin
	  doesn't explicitly require
	* add is_cat_app option + specifc plugins (e.g. copy Makefile.PL back into
	  repo root so Cat doesn't freak out :))

0.009     2011-09-14 17:35:58 America/Los_Angeles
	* switch homepage url set on github to metacpan
	* add Test::UseAllModules
	* add prepender_skip
	* PkgVersion => SurgicalPkgVersion
	* Drop Authority plugin until we decide if we're going to surgicalize it

0.008     2011-09-11 20:04:28 America/Los_Angeles
	* really remove CompileTests

0.007     2011-09-11 17:21:24 America/Los_Angeles
	* replace PortabilityTests with Test::Portability

0.006     2011-09-02 21:49:50 America/Los_Angeles
	* replace CompileTests with Test::Compile

0.005     2011-07-03 16:33:51 America/Los_Angeles
	* add a bunch of missing prereqs
	* initial provision for passing in opts to autoprereqs

0.004     2011-05-15 18:50:41 America/Los_Angeles
	* add initial task support
	* "use" all our plugins so they're listed as prereqs

0.003     2011-04-29 19:07:44 America/Los_Angeles
	* Add NoSmartCommentsTests to plugin list
	* Reorder NextRelease w.r.t. @Git, so hopefully our
	  stub Changes will get committed on release as well

0.002     2011-04-18 20:35:25 America/Los_Angeles
	* Correctly specify "files to ignore in root" to @Git
	* Don't use shell syntax in install command

0.001     2011-04-03 19:07:59 America/Los_Angeles