Revision history for Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ContributorsFromGit

0.018     2017-08-13 21:07:22 CDT-0500
	* Fix tests for non-pty STDIN

0.017     2015-04-09 22:14:03 PDT-0700
	* Stop using Test::TempDir/Directory::Scratch; switch to

0.016     2015-01-18 14:51:27 PST-0800
	* use Moose vs Reindeer; no need for *all* the antlers right now.
	  (issue #21)

0.015     2015-01-18 14:37:50 PST-0800
	* Use Test::File::SD instead of F::SD::ProjectDistDir (thanks yanick!)

0.014     2014-07-05 15:28:48 PDT-0700
	* merge pull request #20 (additional alternate author information)

0.013     2014-04-17 19:21:09 PDT-0700
	* properly *pass* our stopwords list to the PW StopWords **plugin**
	* document with more vigor that the PW Contributors section is optional,
	  and not required in any way by this plugin (issue #12)
	* make Dist::Zilla 5.013 the minimum required, to help resolve
	  META.{yml,json} problems (issue #9)
	* make author matching case-insensitive (closes #6, closes #11)

0.012     2014-04-17 14:45:19 PDT-0700
	* properly generate our stopwords list

0.011     2014-04-15 22:25:59 PDT-0700
	* bump Reindeer prereq version to 0.017, to avoid Try::Tiny pitfalls

0.010     2014-04-08 17:06:02 PDT-0700
	* add public interface validation tests
	* make all our attributes "private"
	* refactor documentation around how MetaCPAN handles contributor => PAUSE
	  ID matching
	* prep to break out our config email override into its own package

0.009     2014-04-08 00:45:48 PDT-0700
	* Put the authors mapping into a ShareDir yaml file

0.008     2014-04-07 14:15:05 PDT-0700
	* Handle git identity crisis resulting in test failures a la

0.007     2014-04-03 22:00:00 PDT-0700
	* add support for author email mapping
	* Minimum supported Perl is now v5.10.1

0.006     2013-04-03 12:46:33 PDT-0700
	* add utf8 support (gh#4, thanks miyagawa)
	* ...and some (hopefully accurate) tests for said utf8 support

0.005     2013-02-28 06:00:00 PST-0800
	* ...and don't add an empty list of contributors (gh#2, thanks dagolden!)

0.004     2013-02-26 20:23:40 PST-0800
	* Add the list of contributors to META.* (gh#1, thanks dagolden!)

0.003     2012-12-27 21:42:43 CST6CDT
	* don't ABEND on no git, just skip tests and return early from the plugin

0.002     2012-12-02 13:52:34 PST8PDT
	* pod update -- note we run in the BeforeBuild phase
	* filter 'Your Name <>' from the built list.  Really, we
	  need functionality to filter / consolidate, but this will work for now.

0.001     2012-11-25 01:41:41 PST8PDT
	* initial release