Revision history for Mojolicious-Plugin-Vparam

2.00    09-12-2016
        Modular. Plugins are welcome!
        Add maestro card support
        Add creditcard aggregation type

1.20    08-12-2016
        Add "load" attribute
        Add barcode
        Fix money with comma delimiter

1.19.1  28-11-2016
        Fix workaround for old mojolicious version

1.19    25-11-2016
        Add xpath
        Use Mojo::Loader for external modules
        Around deprecated methods.
        Remove Carp dependency.

1.18    08-11-2016
        Shortcut for skipundef and optional
        Unversal shortcut parser

1.17    08-11-2016
        Shortcut for optional and required

1.16    03-11-2016
        Add ISIN

1.15    03-11-2016
        Better POD readability
        POD test
        MANIFEST test

1.14    03-11-2016
        Add skipundef

1.13    02-11-2016
        Cache json and dom parsing

1.12    02-11-2016
        Add jpath and cpath