Revision history for Plack-Middleware-Security-Simple:

v0.11.0   2023-08-03 17:29:24+01:00 Europe/London
  - Added the exchange_prefixes rule.

  - Support policy for older Perls is documented.

v0.10.1   2023-05-06 11:18:22+01:00 Europe/London
  - Added .c and .cc to the script_extensions rule.

  - Fixed typos in POD.

v0.10.0   2023-02-22 10:56:42+00:00 Europe/London
  - Added document_extensions rule.

  - Added .rdg, .tml and .toml to the misc_extensions rule.

  - Added .csc to the script_extensions rule.

v0.9.1    2023-01-10 10:55:57+00:00 Europe/London
  No changes since v0.9.0.

v0.9.0    2023-01-05 09:27:11+00:00 Europe/London (TRIAL RELEASE)
  [Incompatible Changes]
  - Minimum Perl version is v5.14.

  - Bumped copyright year.

  - Documented support for older Perl versions.

v0.8.3    2022-12-22 14:03:34+00:00 Europe/London
  - Added php: to the protocol_in_path_or_referer rule.

  - Added missing item to Changes for v0.8.2.

v0.8.2    2022-12-12 16:40:09+00:00 Europe/London
  - Added .config to the misc_extensions rule.

  - Added docroot, ftproot, webroot, inetpub to the cms_prefixes rule.

  - Added adm to the system_dirs rule.

  - Fixed typo in Changes.

  - Fix dependency for Test::Vars.

  - Added GitHub Actions to run tests.

v0.8.1    2022-07-05 12:06:58+01:00 Europe/London
  - Added .bz2 to archive_extensions rule.

  - Updated backup_files rule.

  - Added Windows META-INF and OS/X __MACOSX to system_dirs rule.

  - Sign release.

v0.8.0    2022-06-21 16:36:30+01:00 Europe/London
  - Added .bkp, .backup, .npb, .old, .psb and .psc to the misc_extensions rule.

  - Added cms_prefixes rule.

  - Added backup_files rule.

  [Bug Fixes]
  - Disable capturing on some regexes.

v0.7.0    2022-06-13 16:46:40+01:00 Europe/London
  - Add header_injection rule.

v0.6.1    2022-04-06 16:40:46+01:00 Europe/London
  - Add .lz, .tgz and .xz to the archive_extensions rule.

  - Add version when newer rules were added.

  - Fix encoding of links in README.

  - Test more blocked archive extensions.

v0.6.0    2022-02-18 18:29:34+00:00 Europe/London
  - Fix typo in Plack::Middleware::Security::Common ABSTRACT!

v0.5.1    2022-02-18 18:20:32+00:00 Europe/London
  - Add fake_extensions and protocol_in_path_or_referer rules.

  - Bump copyright year.

  - Fix typo in Plack::Middleware::Security::Common POD.

  - Added note that this will not protect against exploits on proxies
    that are in front of the PSGI application.

v0.5.0    2021-10-19 16:55:34+01:00 Europe/London
  - Add .yml files to the misc_extensions rule.

  - Add .mv and .mvc to the script_extensions rule.

  - Add ip_address_referer rule.

  - Gave an example of adding an exception to a rule, GH#3.

  - Add text cases.

v0.4.4    2021-04-21 16:45:59+01:00 Europe/London
  - Add more file extensions to script_extensions rule.

  - Add author tests.

v0.4.3    2021-04-09 16:39:01+01:00 Europe/London
  - Add more file extensions to script_extensions rule.

  - Add more extensions to the misc_extensions rule.

  - Bump copyright year.

v0.4.2    2020-07-31 14:35:48+01:00 Europe/London
  - Add core modules in the prerequisites.

v0.4.1    2020-03-11 12:19:20+00:00 Europe/London
  - Simplify unexpected_content rule.

  - New rule: require_content.

  - Updated rule: cgi_bin to incldue cgi_wrapper.

  - Updated rule: dot_files to include "../" in path or query string.

  - The HTTP status can be overridden without overriding the handler.

  - The log message includes the request method and HTTP status.

  - Fixed POD formatting.

  - Documented the format of the log message.

  - Added note about modsecurity.

v0.4.0    2020-03-09 17:37:21+00:00 Europe/London
  - Added Plack::Middleware::Security::Common with some common
    filtering rules.

v0.3.1    2020-03-09 08:35:06+00:00 Europe/London
  [Bug Fixes]
  - Removed unused import of Plack::Util.

v0.3.0    2020-03-07 19:48:36+00:00 Europe/London
  - HTTP::Exception is no longer a run-time prerequisite.

  [Bug Fixes]
  - Set minimum Perl to v5.10, since that is the minimum used by some
    of the prerequisites.

  - Simplified code in tests.

  - Specified a minimum version of Log::Dispatch used for tests.

v0.2.1    2020-03-07 10:23:06+00:00 Europe/London
  [Bug Fixes]
  - Fixed call to logger.

  - Documented using a coderef for rules.

  - Added example of user agent check to SYNOPSIS.

  - Added test of coderef for rules.

  - Added test of logging.

  - Added test of custom handler.

v0.2.0    2020-03-07 00:13:56+00:00 Europe/London
 - This is the first, publicly-released version.