Revision history for Perl extension Acme::Terror::UK.

0.04  Wed Jun 11 09:41:00 2008
	- Changed screen scraping to use new page on the MI5
		website. Patch supplied by B10m

0.03  Thu Aug 10 09:40:00 2006
	- Changed the screen scraping site to access the MI5
		website instead as the original Home Office site
		was returning inconsistant data.

0.02  Mon Aug  7 13:25:00 2006
	- Added level() method to return the current threat
		level in a nicer format.
	- Improved documentation and added details for all
		public methods.
	- Added some extra tests.

0.01  Wed Aug  2 09:00:13 2006
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-X -n Acme::Terror::UK