Revision history for Games-WoW-Armory

0.0.7_1 Wed Apr 14 22:17:10 EEST 2010
    - fixed tests with valid data
    - handled several cases where single-item lists were collapsed by
      XML::Simple (probably there's a smarter way)
    - adjusted XML parsing to current version of Armory

0.0.7 Jeu 27 sep 12:56:29 2007  
    - big update by Andrew Yochum (fix realm, new tests, ...)

0.0.6  Fri Jun 01 21:30:00 2007
    - pod update (added =item)

0.0.5  Fri Jun 01 16:40:00 2007
    - a non-case-sensitive regex for matching country 
        (as suggested by
    - Games::WoW::Armory::Character
    - Games::WoW::Armory::Guild
    - Games::WoW::Armory::Team
    - get informations about a team
    - store information about a character in $self->character, which is 
        a Games::WoW::Character object
    - store information about a guild in $self->guild, which is a
        Games::WoW::Guild object
    - store information about a team in $self->team, which is a 
        Games::WoW::Team object
    - improve POD

0.0.1  Tue Mar 13 14:35:16 2007
       Initial release.