Revision history for Perl extension Win32::Process::List.

0.06  Feb 8 2007
	- XS code changed to write the PID for the key and the processname as the value
	  Had also to change the to use it in the GetProcessPid() function.
	  Update of the POD regarding this.

0.05  Sat Jan 27 2007
	- XS code rewriten, now it uses tlhelp32 to get the process list

0.04  Sat Dez 17 2006
	- changed error message to show PID's which can not accessed.

0.03  Wed Aug 30 2006
	- corrected README and CHANGES

0.01  Tue Aug 31 13:44:09 2004
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-n Win32::Process::List -s GetProcesses
		First Release by Reinhard Pagitsch