Revision history for Perl extension Class::Tables.
0.29 Fri Jul 23 2004
- Bug fixed in search() and new(), when 1-to-many accessor name used
- Bug fixed in Storable serialization
- Initial n-to-n support
0.28 Thu Jul 15 2004
- Use diag() in instead of print
- Schema cache with Storable
- field() accessor update
- undefs correctly handled as NULLs everywhere
0.27 Sat Feb 7 2004
- More tests.
- Can now manually skip test suite in Makefile.PL (for jeffa).
- New Postgres support.
0.26 Thu Jan 22 2004
- Added POD section about subclassing.
- Optional "tablename_" prefix for any column (idea from Ron Savage).
- Added support for SQLite, including first attempt to factor out
driver-specific stuff.
- Changed interface for enabling/disabling Lingua::EN::Inflect stuff
and cascading deletes.
0.25 Sun Jan 12 2004
- Test suite bugfixes.
- Workaround for bizarro behavior with DBI::fetchall_arrayref.
0.24 Sat Jan 10 2004
- DBI speedups & misc query optimizations.
- Test suite rewrite & cleanup, now get database info for `make test`
from Makefile.PL (the *right* way (I think)).
- Cascading deletes implemented.
0.23 Fri Dec 19 2003
- Big change: pluralization using Lingua::EN::Inflect. See the massive
POD updates for what this means.
- Near rewrite of the POD.
- Different dump() method output, to better suit HTML::Template.
- Modularized accessor type detection. This made it easy to allow more
flexible column naming. Now department_id column can be a foreign
key ref (accessor is still named department). Also the primary key
of the employee table can be employee_id.
- Indirect (reverse-mapped) foreign keys can now take additional
query constraints.
0.22 Thu Oct 16 2003
- An actual test suite, nice!
- Whaddya know, the test suite found a bug in foreign key mutators.
- POD updates, including adding a copyright notice. Oops!
0.21 Wed Oct 15 2003
- First public release!
- Decided on a name: Class::Tables.
- Small improvements, like manual ref counting on the stub objects.
0.20 Complete rewrite, with a lot of new ideas. Inside-out objects to avoid
concurrency problems, cached statement handles, etc. I posted an RFC on
Perlmonks and got a fairly positive response so decided to clean it up,
find a name, and release it.
A long long time ago:
I wrote a little DB abstraction and called it MikeroDBI. I used it a
lot. The actual code, however, was kinda nasty. We'll call these dark
ages versions 0.0x through 0.1x.