Revision history for Perl extension Class::Tables.

0.22	Thu Oct 16 2003
	- An actual test suite, nice!
	- Whaddya know, the test suite found a bug in foreign key mutators
	- POD updates, including adding a copyright notice. Oops!

0.21	Wed Oct 15 2003
	- First public release!
	- Decided on a name! Class::Tables
	- Small improvements, like manual ref counting on the stub

0.20	Complete rewrite, with a lot of new ideas. Inside-out objects
	to avoid concurrency problems, cached statement handles, etc.
	I posted an RFC on Perlmonks and got a fairly positive response
	so decided to clean it up, find a name, and release it.

0.01 -	A long long time ago, I wrote a little DB abstraction and called
 0.10	it MikeroDBI. I used it a lot. The actual code, however, was kinda