Revision history for Term-Emit

0.0.2  2009-02-13 17:13:14Z
        Added test for -closetext
        The 'use' of Scope::Upper is order sensitive for keywords
          on some oses; swapped these keywords.
        Removed the 'syslog' export tag.  It's unlikely this would
          ever be used.
        Added emit_yes() and emit_no() convienence routines.
        Fixed dependency on Scope::Upper, I had 0.6 when it's 0.06;
          and a trailing space in the name string too.
        Modified emit_done to allow a zero return status.
        Shorted up some POD examples so they fit on a man-ified page.

0.0.1  2009-01-26 00:49:00Z
        Initial release.