Revision history for Perl extension Transform::Canvas.

0.09    April 21, 2008
	Improved META.yml

0.08    April 21, 2008
	Improved META.yml

0.06    April 15, 2008
	Improved tests

0.05    April 14, 2008
	Fixed Makefile.PL

0.03    Wed, Sept 19, 2007
	Fixed Makefile.PL

0.02    Wed, Nov 01, 2005
	Changed use statement to allow perl 5.6 to implement.
	Added set/get support to the helper methods dx0 dx1 dy0 dy1 cx0 cx1 cy0 cy1

0.01	Tues June 07 2005 21:01
	Added Max and Min helper methods. 
	They may not really belong here but they constantly show up in 
	my needs to determine the scale of the axes, so they are being added.

0.005 	Fri Feb 11 2005 16:15
	Improved the dependency declarations for testing. 
	The tests require the SVG module.

0.004 	Fri Feb 11 2005 16:15
	Updated the pod to reflect my appreciation of Adam Kennedy's criticism.
	I was not pleased.

0.003   Original release to CPAN

0.00_01  Fri Sep 24 2004 08:33:12
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-B -X -c -e -k -n Transform::Canvas