The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
0.031 Wednesday June 16 19:21:24 PDT 2010:
    - Got rid of some bogus dependencies and streamlined operations:
    - No more YUI::Loader, Getopt::Chain, Moose (using Any::Moose)
    - Minor tweaks to html, using latest YUI (2.8.?) .css
    - Converted build system to dzpl
0.030 Sunday February 22 15:26:16 PST 2009:
    - Got rid of appearance in t/ that was killing testability

0.020 Wednesday October 08 18:16:40 PDT 2008: 
    - Normalize leading space on blocks to the shortest lead (allows indented /* */ comments)

0.010 Wednesday October 07 2008:
    - Initial release