Revision history for String-ToIdentifier-EN

0.08  2012-09-24 03:59:43
    - update for Lingua::EN::Inflect::Phrase 0.14
    - change ascii 'acknowledge' to 'ack'

0.07  2012-02-27 22:31:06
    - work around a bug in [:upper:] in 5.15.8

0.06  2011-11-19 17:49:34
    - fix for perl 5.8.3 (RT#72088)

0.05  2011-10-23 01:23:18
    - fix different adjacent chars being replaced
    - fix accented single char unidecodes in ::EN

0.04  2011-10-17 14:12:40
    - preserve capitalization of original string

0.03  2011-10-10 22:10:58
    - minor changes

0.02  2011-10-06 10:17:00
    - improve Unicode char translation algorithm

0.01  2011-10-06 00:19:00
    - Initial version.