Revision history for Catalyst-Plugin-SmartURI

0.037 2013-08-26 23:50:44
    - converted to git and moved to github
    - converted to dzil
    - add plugin loading example to SYNOPSIS (RT#88069)

0.036  2009-11-24 09:08:09
    - POD fixes from Frank Wiegand (RT#51885)

0.035  2009-09-24 04:35:28
    - fix typo in pod (RT#49933)

0.034  2009-05-13 23:46:18
    - fix compatibility with Catalyst::Action::REST v0.71
    - move inline tests into t/lib

0.033  2009-04-29 19:46:04
    - last dist was missing inc/

0.032  2009-04-27 15:42:07
    - converted to Moose
    - some minor POD cleanups

0.030  2008-11-19 17:54:37
    - fixed for Catalyst 5.8

0.029  2008-10-09 07:02:46
    - fixed the host-header stuff for when there's no port.

0.028  2008-08-22 03:53:49
    - added note to the POD about usage with C::C::REST.

0.027  2008-07-06 14:17:12
    - improved request class, better Host header parsing, fixed POD.

0.025  2008-06-28 08:33:57
    - fucked up the pod for SYNOPSIS...

0.024  2008-06-28 03:01:53
    - added 'host-header' disposition.
    - converted conf key to 'Plugin::SmartURI'

0.023  2008-06-28 01:14:49
    - weaken saved context.

0.022  2008-06-24 16:52:55
    - fix weird bug with initialization that sometimes happens.

0.021  2008-06-16 22:20:42
    - minor speedup, avoiding unnecessary string evals.

0.02  2008-06-03 21:58:17
    - moved Catalyst::SmartURI into a separate dist as URI::SmartURI

0.01_01  2008-04-01 08:33:13
    - first dev release.

0.01  2008-03-08 03:30:31
    - first version.