Revision history for Perl extension sunrise.

0.01  Fri Dec 10 08:13:24 1999
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.18
0.02  Tues Jun 20 08:30:00 2000
        - Added code to convert to local time. R.Hill

0.03  Thurs Feb 15 08:30:00 2001
        - Added copyright information
        - fixed bug for converting to local time
        - updated documentation R.Hill

0.04  Sun Mar 11 13:51:22 2001
    - I've moved the POD around and added a function documentation block for
      the sunrise() function. And I moved all the variables out of the use
      vars block at the top, making them my variables, wherever possible.
      I added a small test suite that leaves a lot of room for future expansion.

      Finally, I moved all of those tiny subs out of the sunrise() function
      into their own space. They are not really private subs, and they are
      referencing values as global variables anyway. Oh, yeah, and I generated
      the README with pod2text so that the README on CPAN will be a little
      more informative. R.Bowen
0.05  Wed Oct 17 7:00:00 2001
       - Fixed bug for converting to local time for points east of GMT
         Thanks to Adrian Blockley [] 
0.6  Wed Feb 5 2003
      Performed a complete rewrite of the module to conform with
      Paul's C code. Fixed a nasty bug the computing the number of days elapsed
      since 2000 Jan 0.0.
      Added warnings for no sunrise/sunset
      Added Rob's enhancements using the time object modules
      Added new subs sun_rise,sun_set per Rob's recomendation
      Added Rob's enhancements for selecting different Alt's
0.7   Fri Feb 14 2003
      Fixed a bug in dependency, Added Iteration function, Added
      documentation for subs