Revision history for Perl extension Net::Jaiku.

0.05.01  2007-09-28
	* Documentation changes only. Trying to get '>' to appear on's documentation view
	* Added a test for Pod if you have Test::Pod installed. Skips
	  nicely otherwise

0.05.00  2007-09-28
	* Checked to see if icon, location and generated are set before we
	  try and tidy them up in setPresence
	  - Thanks Christiaan Vertonghen
	* Fixed a test that assumed everything in a presence had an id.
	  Comments don't, they only have a comment_id.

0.04.00  2007-09-16
	* Added docs for setPresence and validation.
	* Now requires Params::Validate
	* Added a 'timeout' parameter to the contructor

0.03.00  2007-05-21
	* Added getContactsFeed
	* Fixed some tests

0.02.00  2007-05-19
	* Fixed auth parameters
	* Added icons
	* get*Presence now calls /presence/last/json
	* Added reverse icon lookups and groupings

0.01.00  2007-04-15
	- original version released to CPAN

0.02.00  2007-05-19
	* Fixed auth parameters
	* Added icons
	* get*Presence now calls /presence/last/json
	* Added reverse icon lookups and groupings