Revision history for Perl module DateTime::LazyInit

Note on version conventions:
|  | |
|  | +- Minor Decimal
|  +---- Major Decimal
+------- Whole Number

* Whole numbers are rewrite releases. They contain major rewrites
  or alterations to the API. Read the docs before using them.
* Major decimal number is patch release. Some coding has changed
  but the API remains the same (or is extended). Upgrading to
  these should not change any expected behaviour, however it
  will alter buggy behaviour. Read the docs and check if you've
  been using work-arounds before using them.
* Minor decimal number is a doc or installer patch only. If you have
  the module installed and understand how it works, you don't need
  this release.
* Datestamps are generated with:
  perl -MDateTime -e 'print DateTime->now(time_zone=>"Australia/Melbourne")->strftime("%a, %e %b %Y %T %z")'

0.10 2005-07-23
        - original version posted to CPAN

1.0100 2006-05-13
	- Version number fix
		- Moved to version 1.0100 in line with my other modules and the above
		  versioning schema. No actual code release. API did not change.

1.0200 2006-05-13
	- New Constructors
		- Phillip Garrott provided patches to implement other constructors
		  and overloading of various things in line with DT.