Revision history for Plack-Middleware-Recorder

0.05 April 12 2015
     - Fix a test to run better on CPAN testers (Thanks, Slaven Rezić!)

0.04 April 08 2015
     - POD/prereqs fixes (thanks, Anthony Brummett!)
     - Get the module working with CGI (thanks, Anthony Brummett!)
     - Get the module working with multi-tasking servers (thanks, Anthony Brummett!)
     - Use Sereal instead of Storable

0.03 January 13 2012
     - Bug fix (support web applications that use LWP::UserAgent)

0.02 October 12 2011
     - Add /recorder/start, /recorder/stop
     - Add a debug panel for communicating with the recorder middleware
     - Add the ability to replay requests against a PSGI file
     - Add ability to specify output file with plack-record

0.01 October 06 2011
     Initial release.  Supports record and replay of requests.