Revision history for Perl extension WWW::Correios::CEP

0.0323 2013-09-17

    - POD fix

0.0322 2013-06-04

    - changelog fix!

0.032 2013-06-03
    - revert some commited changes (but not in cpan) but now there is a retrocompatibilidad and working code on github!

0.03 2011-10-28
    - timeout / bugs

0.02 2011-02-08
    - Changes on _parseHTML method (thxs gabiruh)
    - Added support to multiple address to a unique CEP
    - so you can test with CEP number 69405-000

0.01 2011-02-03
    - original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
        -AX WWW::Correios::CEP