0.006 2023-11-10 02:30:25-03:00 America/Sao_Paulo
- Copy dependency checks and compilation tests to fullfil github actions tests
0.005 2023-11-10 02:08:58-03:00 America/Sao_Paulo
- Add prereqs
- Github actions workflow
0.004 2023-11-09 01:29:54-03:00 America/Sao_Paulo
- Add MetaProvides::Package
0.003 2023-10-15 23:39:20-03:00 America/Sao_Paulo
- Fix readme and include perlcritic and perltidy to build
0.002 2023-10-14 22:04:48-03:00 America/Sao_Paulo
0.001 2023-10-14 12:08:14-03:00 America/Sao_Paulo
- Initial release