Revision history for Perl module Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker
0.01 Tue May 20 15:03:43 2014
- original version; created by ExtUtils::ModuleMaker 0.51
0.02 Added support informations
0.03 Added example2_dbc with DBIx::Class, and the database ex1_1 database that holds the table 'speaks' without a counter (pk is composed of the 2 fields langid + countryid).
Added example_dbi with uses sql commands and DBI
Bug corrected in DbcDataManager (occured when a new reccord is added)
Removed 'use of Data::Dumper;'
0.05 Form::add_combo corrected use of set_text_column
0.06 Form::add_combo delete existing model
new parameters columns => {name =>type} which replace the call to $rs->result_source->columns to supplied the column's names and types
+columns => {name => type} the columns supplied are added to those found with $rs->result_source->columns.
if a primary_keys array ref is supplied the search of the row at a given pos is done with $rs->search, not $rs->find
0.07 Test failed - updated
call back function with on_row_select + on_changed ;
auto_incrementing use from the start, in the module, $self->get_primarykeys must be called instead of @{$self->{primary_keys}}
$self->{cols} holds field's names without their changing to lower case
set_data_manager method to replace the current data manager
0.091 binrary in my disc and missing in the zip in 0.09
0.092 DbiDataManager save({pk_name 0 => pk_value}) to update one of the field composing a multi field primarykey.
0.093 Corrected bugs in Form (dateformater), remove use of Gtk2::Ex::Dialogs in DbiDM, more changes in update in table with 2 primary keys
0.094 corrected bugs with textview in
0.094 DbcDataManager
Fields added with columns or +columns are readonly.
$self->set_row_pos($self->{row}->{pos}) in query
$self->set_row_pos($self->{row}->{pos}) in query
0.095 RdbDataManager
Fields added with columns or +columns to read data from joined tables
These fields are readonly.
0.096 Bug corrected in Form
0.097 Form
auto_apply can be defined (defaults to true)
add_childform to cascade auto_apply down to child form or datasheet
has_changed return true if children forms or datasheets have been changed in the form but not applied to the database
0.098 Form save return 1 (success) or 0 (failure)
DbcDataManager save return 1 (success) or 0 (failure)
Removed mailing support (and the list alltogether)
0.100 Split the distribution:
- Form + Datasheet remains in Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker
- xxxDataManager are in this Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::DbTools distribution (but the package is unchanged)
- Wx Form and Datasheet objects are in Wx::Perl::DbLinker
0.101 Changed in
0.102 Delete in Form tests for the number of rows in dman and display an empty row if necessary
Form : added a inserting flag to display default values added in the dataManager. pos = -1 used to display no data
0.103 Form: new method add_combo_values
0.104 Parameters to public methods are passed as list or hash ref.
Added examle using SqlADatamanager.
0.105 Corrected to fetch a version of Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker-DbTools >= 0.104
0.106 Created AbForm in Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::DbTools to hold common methods to Wx::Perl::DbLinker::Wxform and Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::Form