2011-02-26  Raphaël Pinson v0.4

	* Add check_is_file calls to reduce the amount
          of calls to Augeas
	* Improve Build.PL and remove cleanup from t/02-to_xml.t

2011-02-26  Raphaël Pinson v0.3.0

	* Allow reading from STDIN in xml2aug
	* Add -f option to aug2xml to specify export file
	* Test to_hash call

2011-02-26  Raphaël Pinson v0.2.0

	* Fix missing dependencies in Build.PL
	* Fix missing from_xml export
	* Change maintainer email
	* Add tests
	* Add augeas-from directory to run tests

2011-02-25  Raphaël Pinson v0.1

	* Original version.