1.3.7 03.04.2018
- refactor Logger XS API, export constants for log levels
1.3.6 08.02.2018
- added CallbackDispatcher and NativeCallbackDispatcher
1.3.5 15.01.2018
- fix build for perl with threads (PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT)
1.3.4 12.01.2018
- fix build for bleadperl - SvOK now is not boolean
1.3.3 28.11.2017
- when calling clone from HOOK_CLONE, use the same dictinary as top call
1.3.2 11.05.2017
- move C++ only parts to CPP::panda::lib, use CPP::panda::lib
- move PXS_TRY, sv2string, sv2string_view to Panda::XS
1.3.1 13.03.2017
- compile with all warnings enabled, fix warnings
1.3.0 11.02.2017
- prevent MSWin "clone" hangs: prevent installation on Windows with SJLJ compiler
(because perl breaks C++ exceptions in this case - perl just hangs on next "croak" after C++ exception)
- refactor memory pools' thread_local implementation (use C++11 features)
- full refactor of panda::string:
panda::basic_string<...>, panda::string, panda::wstring, panda::u16_string, panda::u32_string
- added std::string_view if c++ < 17
- added std::from_chars, std::to_chars if c++ < 17
- added panda::[unordered_]string_[multi](map|set) to support passing string_view to some methods for string keys
1.2.3 06.02.2017
- bugfix in panda::string with external pointer assign
1.2.2 31.01.2017
- added panda::lib::h2be16, h2le16, be2h16, le2h16, h2be32, h2le32, be2h32, le2h32, h2be64, h2le64, be2h64, le2h64
1.2.1 25.01.2017
- make PXS_TRY a single block
- added IteratorPair
- removed macros likely/unlikely -> moved to panda::likely(), panda::unlikely()
1.2.0 17.01.2017
- require c++11
- add move constructors to panda::string, add std::hash for panda::string
1.1.6 13.01.2017
- no visible changes
1.1.5 11.01.2017
- added PXS_TRY macro helper for dealing with C++ exceptions (auto-rethrow perl exception)
1.1.4 03.03.2016
- fix latest c++ warnings
1.1.3 15.07.2015
- operator bool for panda::string
1.1.2 16.04.2015
- make last param optional for merge and clone function (C++)
1.1.1 10.02.2015
- docs improve, no code changes
1.1.0 05.02.2015
- Change clone hook from CLONE to HOOK_CLONE, because CLONE is used on threaded perls at thread creation.
- add second param $with_cross_check to 'clone' function. Add lclone method with behaves like clone($arg, 0)
- docs/test changes
1.0.1 03.02.2015
- bump version to require win32-friendly Panda::XS/Panda::Install
1.0.0 31.01.2015
- fix threaded builds for NO_GET_CONTEXT
- remove <algorithm> usage from panda::string, as it conflicts with perl headers under c++11
- cosmetic
- bump version to release
0.1.1 30.01.2015
- Added public API MACRO-attributes 'INLINE' and 'THREAD_LOCAL' if not yet defined
- Added MemoryPool, ObjectAllocator, AllocatedObject - fast memory allocators (thread-safe)
- Fixed Win32 compilation & tests
0.1.0 31.10.2014
- first release