Revision history for Disk-SMART
0.05 2014-10-08
Separated out data processing from the getter methods. Getter methods now only return hash data.
Added methods and unit tests for update_data() and get_disk_attributes(). update_data() can be called at any point in a calling script to update the drive data. This makes it where Disk::SMART can be used in a script called by cron, or a continuously running daemon.
Updated MANIFEST to include LICENSE file
Changes to satisfy perl critic
Simplified get_disk_temp with substr to read the disk temp
0.04 2014-10-06
Updated Makefile.PL to better interact with Meta::CPAN
Updated pod for clarity
0.03 2014-10-04
Added Math::Round to dependency list in Makefile.PL. Credit - Syohei YOSHIDA.
Refactored methods to return N/A first before any further proessing is done
Cleaned up unit tests
get_disk_model() only outputs just the model information now.
Added get_disk_errors()
Methods now validate the device passed to it, to ensure smartctl has already read it
Added unit tests to test passing invalid device to methods
Changed to croak() as I didn't feel a trace was necessary with proper error returning.
0.02 2014-10-03
Added confess to new() in case smartctl cannot find the specified device
0.01 2014-10-03
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.