Revision history for MooseX-Params

0.009   25/01/2011
        * Prevent CPAN from indexing Moose::Util::TypeConstraints

0.008   25/01/2011
        * Add return value validation

0.007   17/01/2012
        * Mitigation for incompatibility with Moose 2.0401

0.006   11/01/2012
        * Switch from Attribute::Handlers to Attribute::Lexical
        * Set minimum Moose version requirement

0.005   12/06/2011
        * Removed 'method' keyword interface
        * Updated documentation and tests

0.004   03/05/2011
        * Add attributes-based interface

0.003   08/04/2011
        * Add mimimum required version of Package::Stash

0.002   01/04/2011
        * Fixed dos line endings
		* Removed tabs

0.001   31/03/2011
        * Initial upload to CPAN